Page 61 of The Predator
Two days pass in a blur, and if it isn’t the guilt of what I’ve done becoming harder and harder to swallow, it’s the impending jail sentence I know is looming when I return to my father’s care that kills me. I can’t even enjoy Sebastian’s company because everytime I look at him, I nearly confess what I’ve done. The gaping hole in my chest grows a little wider, the secrets I’m keeping filling the space, drowning me from the inside out.
Honestly, I don’t know how much longer I can do this before I either make good on the deal with my father and disappear or vomit the truth out to Sebastian.
A few days ago, he announced we were going back to school. Which surprised me because I didn’t remember ever seeing him actually attend classes—at least not any I attended. Although I guess he was…he wouldn’t be able to play football if he didn’t attend, right?
I put down the piece of bagel I'm holding and finish chewing. "What's your major?"
He blinks up at me from his own bagel and the tablet that he stares at every morning like it’s the newspaper. He's beenscrolling through a news site since we sat down. "Uhhh, where did that come from?"
I shrug and slide the tiny slice of bagel around the plate, thinking. "I was just thinking I haven’t really ever seen you attend classes. Yes, I saw you at the Mill, and on the football field, and around campus, but I don't think I've ever seen you in an actual classroom."
He dusts his hands off over his plate. "I'm majoring in business, as dictated by my grandfather before he died. You’re not majoring in business, so for obvious reasons you wouldn’t see me in class.”
“Right. I guess that makes sense. With me studying vet services, you and I wouldn't have a lot of crossover; plus, you’re about to graduate.” I’m babbling, subconsciously trying to push the thoughts that won’t leave me alone away.
“Are you okay?” He asks, tilting his head to the side as if he’s examining me.
Oh god.“Yeah, I’m fine. It was just a question of curiosity. Can’t I get to know the man I married?”
Slowly, he scans me, from my jeans to my hoodie, and then down to my bare feet. "You already know me, Little Prey. Now go put your shoes on; we are going to be late."
Damn, he's bossy, and what does it say about me that I like how bossy he is? I extinguish the spark of desire burning low in my belly before it can become a raging inferno. Then I hop off the stool to go find some sneakers and grab my bag. By the time I return downstairs Sebastian is waiting, his letter jacket held out for me to slip into.
It takes a minute to waffle the bag between my hands as I slip my arms inside the coat, but like always, he’s patient. He settles it over my shoulders and then tips his head to the door. "Are you ready for this?"
All at once the rush of desire I'd felt seconds ago coils into a knot of fear. I do my best to hide it and plaster a smile onto my face. “Ready for anything.”
We walk outside together and he opens the passenger side door to a sleek black sports car parked outside the garage. "You're driving us today?"
He holds my bag while I slide in and buckle up, then passes it to me. "Yes, I thought it might be fun. Plus, it sends a message.”
I peer around the oiled leather interior, taking in the new car smell lingering in the air. "A message?"
He climbs into the driver's seat and buckles himself in before turning to me. “Yes, and that message is that we’re together.”
I hold my hand up, the light catching on the ring. "I really don't think that is going to be a problem, not with the giant ring on my finger and the knowledge that you’ve gone from player to husband in a matter of weeks.”
“Player?” His tone is teasing, relaxed. “I don’t remember promising any of the women I’ve ever been with anything. They knew the score.”
He’s not lying, I suppose, but it doesn’t change the fact there were so many before me. I stare out the window at the frosty multi-colored leaves. "I mean, yeah. It’s not like you dated anyone, although I could be wrong. I don’t recall you ever having a girlfriend, but I can tell you a good majority of those girls thought they were the one.” Almost absentmindedly I massage my upper arm where two perfect scars are hidden.
“First of all, that’s their problem. If they thought it was more than what it was I can’t help that. Secondly, just because you didn’t see me with anyone doesn’t mean I wasn’t with anyone.”
“Oh, believe me, I know. I changed your bed sheets. But there is a difference between being with someone physically and dating them.”
“Says the one who lost her virginity to me.” He snickers, and my cheeks heat. He turns into campus parking a few minutes later, and we head to my first class, an animal biology seminar. When he said we needed to return to classes I didn’t actually thinkwewere going to be attending classes together but here we are. As I suspected him to always be, Sebastian is the model student as he takes the spot beside me. I find myself glancing at him on and off through the lecture and smile when I notice him jotting down notes on his tablet.
At the end of the lecture, I stand and peer over his desk. He's drawn little doodles of stick figures in inappropriate positions. Should’ve known he wasn’t taking notes. When I shake my head at him, he grins at me, and I can't help but grin back.
This feels normal. It feels...good.
Until I glance up the tiered seats to the girls in the back row and catch them glaring at us.
I shoulder my bag. "Let's go. I think I need some coffee."