Page 54 of The Predator
As I walk past the bed, I stare down at where Sebastian keeps a gun sheath. A weapon might not be a bad idea. But then I remember another sheath.Sebastian’s knife.
I check the end table, under the bed, but it isn’t until I slide my hand beneath the pillow that I find it. The protective walls I’ve built around my heart crumble slowly as I grab it, check the sheath, and race back down to the kitchen.
It isn’t until I’ve nearly reached the kitchen I realize I’m still holding onto the mascara tube in one hand and the knife in the other hand, my dress flapping open in the back still needing to be zipped.Wow, what a damn mess.
The second Bel sees me she leads me gently to a bench near the wall, turns to zip me, and then sits me down. "Breathe. We have time. It'll be a little bit while they process him. Drewalready sent the lawyer. I called the car service. We can't go in with you, but we'll be nearby, parked, with Lee and Aries in case something goes wrong."
Panic sinks its nails into my skin. Bel’s lips are moving but her voice sounds far away. What if I can’t do this? What if I’m paralyzed with fear? What if he hurts Sebastian?
Bel snags the items from my hands and cups me by the cheeks, forcing me to look into her eyes. “Breathe. You can do this. I know you can do this. You’re strong, stronger than you think, and fierce like a lion. Go in there and show your father he doesn’t have the hold he thinks he does on you. Stare fear right in the face and say fuck you.”
"Yes," I whisper in reply. “I can do this!”
I can do this. I have to do this.
There is no other option but to go forward, to face my fears. Sebastian would want me to do it. He'd expect me to play the part. The thought of his praise, of him looking at me with pride, makes my chest swell. This isn’t something I can do, but something I must do. I might be afraid, might be trembling, but at least I’m standing up for myself.
“Let’s do this!” I announce, and Bel’s hands fall from my face. I stand, ignoring the way my knees knock together.You can do this. You have to do this. Bel gives me an approving smile before she reaches down to fasten my shoes.
Once she’s done, I turn to face Drew.
He gives me a curt nod. "Everything's in place. Let’s get Sebastian home before your father does anything else resulting in his untimely death.”
“Huh? You make it sound like he’s already done something? Has he? Is Sebastian okay?” Dread fills me.
Drew extends his phone out to me and using his thumb, presses play on a video. I watch, stricken, as the video shows my father escorting Sebastian out of a coffee shop.Where the hell isthat?I've never seen him in that shop, or even been there myself.Did he meet my father there? Or did my father catch him there?He doesn’t appear to be hurt, and looks more annoyed than anything which gives me a little relief. At least he’s not hurt. I hate not knowing what happened, how he ended up there, if this was planned or something else, but I’ll get the answers to those questions once we’re back at the house,together.
“This is circulating on social media already. No surprise there, though… Like I said, Sebastian has a plan. He always has a plan.” Drew’s voice trails off.
“His plan sucks. Next time he should tell us what he’s doing before he does it. We’re his family; we’re supposed to lift him up, and support him when he needs help.”
“Now you’re getting it.” Drew smirks, and all I can do is shake my head.
I'll get Sebastian out of jail, but by the time I’m done with him he’ll probably wish he was back in that cell. If we’re going to do this, we’re going to do it right, and that means honesty with one another going forward.
“You’ve got this!” Bel offers in parting as she walks with us out to the car.
Doubt lingers in my mind. “What if I don’t have this? What if I’m not as strong as you think I am?” I don’t realize I’ve spoken the words out loud until I hear my own voice ringing in my ears.
When we reach the car Drew places his hand on my shoulder and gives it a squeeze, “Sebastian wouldn’t have chosen you to be his wife, or to walk through fire with him, if he didn’t think you were strong enough to handle it. And also, to quote some really old guy who was a president once…Teddy Roosevelt, I think…, “We have nothing to fear but fear itself.”
“If you’re trying to give me strength, it’s not working.” I mumble.
All he does is smile, “I don’t need to give you strength, Elyse. You’re strong enough. You just need to pull out that courage, put the mask in place, and conquer your demons. The only thing standing in the way of that is you.”
I swallow thickly, sliding into the backseat of the town car. Drew closes the door, trapping me inside and leaving me with nothing but my thoughts.Am I the only thing standing in the way of my own happiness?
And if so, am I willing to conquer my fears and let them go so I can experience true happiness?
Remind me to never let Aries pick a lawyer on my behalf again. I know I said no to using my family or business attorney, especially considering the circumstances, but I expected better thanthis. A man in a stained tie, with greasy hair. Apparently I should have lowered my expectations. Nevertheless the fucker did what he was supposed to do, because I barely spent an hour in the holding cell.
The worst part of the experience was facing the sheriff every five minutes as he tried to talk me into giving him Ely. Over my fucking dead body...and Drew's, and Aries', and Lee’s. Because not a single one of us would allow her to fall back into that bastard's hands.
The thought of Ely reminds me it’s been too long since I last saw or touched her. I need her in my arms so I can be sure she's safe after her trip out with Drew and Bel. It surprised me when Drew messaged and said Bel got her out of the house. I'm glad she made the decision to do something. I know she thinks leaving the house is dangerous, but it’s necessary in terms of healing. She can’t possibly get back to feeling normal if she doesn’t do normal things.