Page 47 of The Predator
“That’s for sure.”
“So…uh, I hope you didn’t have any plans for today.” She eyes me curiously.
“Does it look like I have any plans today?” I gesture to myself.
“On second thought.” Bel laughs. “You do now, because I need some girl time.”
I consider the invitation. I haven’t left the house since Sebastian brought me back here, and the fear of going out and something bad happening is like a ton of bricks sitting on my chest. “I don’t know if I would be good company right now.”
Bel frowns, “What? Why not? Is everything okay?”
How much should I tell her? Does she know her brother is a killer?
"If I’m being honest with myself, and you, I would say no. Everything is not okay.” I look away and consider my next sentence. “And things with Sebastian are weird. It feels like there are so many secrets to overcome, but bringing them to light inevitably pushes us further apart.”
"Secrets? What kind of secrets?"
I shift on my feet anxiously and avert my eyes. "Well, I remembered some of what happened when I was left for dead, dumped on his doorstep. At this point, he should just tell me everything, but there are still gaps in my memory, and he’s not offering me any answers. Then there's everything that happened with Yanov. I’m working on the guilt, but I’m constantly looking over my shoulder, startled and afraid. He might be dead, but it feels like his ghost is haunting me.”
“Wow, okay, that’s a lot.” She nods. “I can see why you’re overwhelmed right now.”
“Yeah, and I don’t want to burden you with any of my problems.” I give her a sad smile because we both know I’m about to decline her invite to go out.
“First of all, you’re not a burden. That’s what friends are for right? To talk to about our problems, to get and give adviceand guidance. And secondly, if you weren’t jumpy or afraid after everything that went down I would have to wonder if you were human. What you had to do… I don’t think you understand the level of bravery that takes. Leaving the house can be fearsome after that, but I promise you, you’re in good hands. I wouldn’t let anything happen to you. Not at the expense of my brother's wrath.”
She’s making this harder than it needs to be. “I don’t know, Bel.”
“Shhhh, I will not take no for an answer.” She tugs me by the arm. “Go upstairs, take a shower, put on some clean clothes, and come shopping with me. I know you’ll need a dress for one of the events Seb is attending soon.”
“Isn’t that what they made Amazon Prime for?” I give her a cheeky grin.
Rolling her eyes, she shoves me toward the entrance of the kitchen. “You have thirty minutes, and don’t try anything sneaky, either, or I will come up there and dress you myself.”
Reluctantly I follow her directions, and by the time I reach my room upstairs I’ve convinced myself I need to at least try and get out of the house.
Thirty minutes later, I’m showered and dressed. My hair is still wet because I’m too lazy to dry it, so I toss it up into a bun. Before I head downstairs, I give myself a onceover in the mirror. I’m dressed in a pair of jeans and a chunky sweatshirt I’m wearing over a T-shirt.
Is this shopping attire?I don’t even know, but let’s hope it’s good enough.
I find Bel in the foyer, leaning against the wall. She greets me with a smile, and together we head out into the chilly midday sun. A black Sedan is parked out front, and Drew sits in the driver's seat. Should’ve known he wouldn’t be very far from Bel.
As we climb into the backseat I ask Bel, “Is this our security?”
He flashes me a grin over his shoulder. "Just pretend I'm not here."
I level a look at Bel. "Not likely to happen."
She chuckles and then reaches over the seat to grab a couple of iced coffees Drew passes back to her. Shoving one into my hand, she turns in the seat to face me. "Don’t mind him. Drew is sworn to secrecy today. He won't say anything to anyone, or I won't let him do that one thing he likes." A pink flush climbs into her cheeks.
I don’t know if I believe that, but I go with it.
Drew grumbles from the front seat but keeps his eyes on the road while he drives us off the estate. This must be a sanctioned outing since Sebastian isn't currently blowing up my phone or chasing me down the driveway. It doesn’t take us long to arrive wherever it is we’re going, maybe ten minutes. Drew pulls the sedan to the curb outside an upscale boutique.
“If you guys need anything I’ll be right here, chilling in the car.”
“That’s fine, because we won’t be needing anything.” Bel snickers and I look at the front door of the shop skeptically.
Bel must sense my hesitation because she latches onto my arm and damn near drags me out of the car. "I know this doesn't seem like my style, but it's a good place to get dresses and the added touch is the staff don't make me want to punch them in the face."