Page 29 of The Predator
"Don't touch me, Bel. I refuse to let my ugliness bleed out onto you.”
She doesn't listen, of course, and takes my hands in hers, blood transferring to her pale skin. "Do I agree with how you did it? No. But the fact you are doing so much to keep her protected says something about you, Seb."
A humorless laugh escapes me. "What? That I’m an unhinged bastard who doesn't give a shit about what others want?"
She shakes her head, letting loose a small smile. "No, Dick. You're a good person. Even if you do questionable things."
I stare at her, my sister, my last living blood relative, and I can't stand in front of the love and kindness radiating off of her.
I pull away, only to bump into Drew's chest. "Leave me alone. Both of you, please, go away."
Bel takes that as her invitation to get closer. "I'm not going anywhere." She glances over my shoulder. "You?"
I feel Drew shrug behind me. "Nah, I kinda like it here."
I hear a scuffle on the stairs and glance back to spot Lee and Aries leaning against the railing like they don't have a care in the world. Great, an even bigger audience to my meltdown.
"I said go," I tell them, all of them. I’m exhausted both physically and mentally.
Bel gives me another sad smile. "Still not leaving. None of us are. Not until you and Ely are taken care of. We’re family, and this is what family does."
I attempt once more to escape, but they block me in, and I'm not quite willing to put Bel on her ass. I’d never forgive myself if I hurt her, and I know she knows that.
"I can't," I whisper this time.
She cups me by the cheeks. "Then don't. Don't say a word. Don't ask for help. Don’t do anything. All I’m asking is that you don’t run. Let us be here with you, for you. Whatever is going on between you and Ely, I know you'll fix it. You're as hard-headed as your friends, but you love with your entire heart, and if Ely loves you like I know she does, she'll realize that.”
I stare at her, then at Drew, Aries, Lee...all of them. And something in my chest breaks open. Bel takes the back of my neck and pulls me into a hug before the tears start to fall, and Drew wraps his arms around both us, holding us,metogether. A moment later Lee, and Aries join in, all of them standing here with me, watching me break.
If only they knew that I’ll never be the man they think I am.
It's a strange feeling. Wanting to see someone but hoping they stay away at the same time. It’s ridiculous how much I think about him. I think about the way his hands mold to my body, the way he makes me feel, all of it juxtaposed with memories of a gunshot.
The hurt in his eyes when I confronted him about killing his own grandfather.
I stare at the now cold soup on the tray near my hip. The first day I'd been stuck in this room, Drew brought me food for each meal, the next day, Lee, then Aries, and then back to Drew. Some fucked up football rotation of making sure I eat. Well, news to them, I'm not really eating. I’m picking at the food, kinda hoping Sebastian is going to show his face. Or maybe he’s given up on me.
After everything he said and did, I doubt he’s done with me. No, this is another tactic, another way for him to try and control me.
I shove the tray away and hop off the bed, wincing as pain radiates up my back with the movement. I ignore the discomfort and cross the room to stare out the window. I can only see theperfect sloping lawn from here. It's a clear sunny day, probably cold, not that I would know since I haven’t left this room.
The thought alone sends a wave of fury through me. I was kidnapped...and… I refuse to think about the rest. But if I’m his wife, then why is he locking me up like I’m a criminal?
Something in my mind pings.Because that’s what you are. A criminal.
No. No. No.
I shove it away like I usually do before a wash of guilt accompanies the thought.
The door to the bedroom opens, but I don't bother turning around to see who it is this time. "I'm done, you can take the tray if you want." I clench my fists, and breathe out a slow breath, hating how it comes out choppy, stuttered.
I’m home again. I’m home and safe.
The desire to scream almost consumes me, the pit of despair swirls in my gut, and I clench my hands into tight fists, fighting back against it. I remind myself that this isn't Sebastian's friends’ fault. They are helping. Everyone is trying to help.