Page 15 of The Predator
My knees give out on me, and I crumble, my body landing on the floor. I don’t even feel the pain of falling, or the scratch of the carpet against my skin. There’s only the choking panic slowly strangling the life out of me.
Ahead, my shirt is on the floor.
No.Sebastian's shirt.
The man I love, or ratherloved.
I don’t know who he is, or if the version of him I knew was ever really real. It doesn’t matter, not anymore. There is no future for us. He’s nothing but a liar.A liar and a murderer.Of course, I’m a murderer now, too, but even thinking of him and how easily I fell for him makes me ashamed.
In some ways, he’s no better than my father or Yanov.
Gritting my teeth, I crawl across the floor, my hurt tucked to my side.
I sit back and reach for the shirt with my good arm. It takes everything inside me to remain sitting upright. I’ve never been so tired in my life.
Slowly, as if there is a heavy weight pressing down on my limbs, I tug the shirt over my head, using my uninjured arm. Halfway through I have to stop and catch my breath. The pain, the fear, the adrenaline catches up with me coiling in my chest, and my body betrays me.
Tears leave cold trails down my cheeks. The early morning sun peeks through the drapes, the rays of sunlight dragging my attention back to my hands. I stare at my fingers. Blood stains my pale skin.His blood.Panic, and urgency push all my otheremotions aside. I need to get out of here. Leave before the cops show up, or worse, my father.
There will be plenty of time to contemplate my choices, to wonder if I did the right or wrong thing, but now is not the time for questions. Right now, I need to protect myself. To put as much distance between me and this place as I can.
Using the bed as an anchor, I stand. Then I walk across the room to the door, unlock the deadbolt, and tug it open. I’m momentarily blinded by the rising sun, but once my eyes adjust I peer around the mostly vacant parking lot.
I recognize Yanov’s car in one of the spots. I could take it, then ditch it later if need be. It would be the fastest way out of here. A quick, clean getaway. And right now that’s what I need.
Turning around, I head towards the nightstand to grab Yanov’s car keys.
Stupid. I’m so stupid.He wouldn’t leave his keys right out in the open. My heart sinks into my stomach when I reach the vacant nightstand. Taking his car would be the smartest option, but not if I have to touch him to get the keys. The mere thought of reaching into the pocket of his pants repulses me.
Oh God.I think I’m going to vomit. I press a hand to my mouth to stop myself and then head back to the door. Except this time when I go to walk out there’s someone standing in the doorway, blocking my exit.No, not someone, several someones.
I blink and focus all my attention on the one person that means the most to me.Is this real?
It can’t be. He’s not really here. It’s all a terrible dream. But then he steps inside, his hand reaching for me, closing around my upper arm. It can’t be real. A sudden burst of joy fills me, but is just as fast swept away by the bitter tang of reality.He’s a killer. He killed his grandfather.He kept me in his house under the ruse that he was caring for me, but that was only half of it. Healso needed to make sure I didn’t reveal his secret, and now that I remember... What will he do to me when he finds out I know?
I’ve escaped one monster, only to be captured by another.
"Hey, it’s okay. Everything’s going to be okay. I’ve got you."
I open my mouth to tell him it won’t be okay; I know what he did; but the memory of that night in his grandfather’s study slams into me, taking me out at the knees, leaving me paralyzed in the dark.
Our gazes collide, and I hate the horror filtering through her blue depths. Before I can tell her it’s going to be okay her eyes slip closed. Panic rips through me, and all I can do is reach for her so she doesn’t hit the floor. I snake an arm around her middle and tug her trembling body closer, cradling her and taking her slight weight easily.
Did she pass out? Is she hurt?
Like magic, her eyes flutter back open, and I damn near sigh. The thought of losing her again, in any capacity, is unfathomable. Maybe it’s the exhaustion and fear making her fade in and out. Her mouth opens and closes half a dozen times, like she wants to say something but she can’t speak.
It doesn’t matter; she doesn’t need to say anything. I’ll take care of her and whatever happens in the future.
"Shhhh, you’re okay, Ely. Everything’s going to be okay. You’re safe now." I try to soothe her, but my voice against her ear sends her thrashing.