Page 9 of Doctor Do-Over
“I was trying to tell you”—she interrupts me as she paces back and forth—“someone broke into your suite and scrawled ‘whore’ and ‘slut’ all over the walls. They shredded all of your clothes. Thank goodness your laptop was with us, or they would have destroyed it along with everything else.”
My breathing increases as panic starts to overwhelm me. My body shakes, and I hear Eddie whine before he jumps up next to me on the bed. Instantly, everything begins to calm down.
“Good boy,” Dr. Harker praises him. “He’ll do. Okay, um, Cortney, is it?” Doctor Harker asks, and she nods. “We need to keep her calm. I can help with protection. I know some guys.” I take a moment to really look at her. She’s stunningly beautiful, with blond hair braided down her back and perfectly shaped brown eyes that aren’t wide like mine.
“I don’t understand what’s going on. I don’t post anything controversial. My hotel reservation was in my real name, not my pen name.”
“My brother can help with that. Just give me a bit, and I’ll get a hold of him. He’ll have someone here within the next few hours. I’m sure he or one of his friends has someone close by that could help. As for you, rest. The OB/GYN and I decided to keep you for the night.” She turns to walk away but stops and turns back to Cortney. “Do you need to get a new room too?”
“No, I always stay on my own because Wry likes to write at odd hours.”
Doctor Harker turns back to me and smiles. “Rest for now. I’ll let you have your laptop soon.”
“Do you want to call your mom?” Cort asks.
“I don’t know how I’m going to tell her.” I sigh as I rub my hand over my belly.
“She’s your mom; she’ll love you no matter what,” Doctor Harker says before leaving the room.
“Think about it,” Cortney says, and follows her out the door.
I’m left with Eddie, who I know will protect me, but I still worry about what’s going to happen next.
Istand in the airport, watching my mom walk away. She’s been so understanding, and she promised to let me tell my father and brother about the baby. When she joined me in Paris two weeks ago, she had no idea the bombshell I was about to drop on her. Initially, she was hurt that I’d waited so long to tell her. I needed time to come to terms with the news and build up the courage to share it with her. I didn’t expect it to take so long, though. Two months was plenty of time to put it all into perspective. Not just the baby, but the deranged fan, my new security protocols, all of it.
I spent the last couple of months writing and accepting the fact I’ll always carry a part of Tanner with me. I told my mother that I wasn’t going to talk about the father, and I only told her that a fan was giving me issues and broke into my hotel room. I left out the part about the paintball attack. I played up being heartbroken, and she forgot all about the fan. Instead, she was focused on her baby girl hurting.
In the end, my mom is excited but worried for me. She knows I have the means to support this baby, but she doesn’t want to see me do it alone. My mom didn’t like that I wasn’t going back with her, but I need to see a friend before I leave France. When I found out I was coming to Paris, I contacted my friend Lorelei. She’s been here for several months, but she’s been cagey about meeting up. I know she’s going through some things. She’s shared a bit with me. I check the time on my phone. She’s finally agreed to meet with me. I’m supposed to be at the café in about an hour.
The con here went well. I didn’t have any issues. I know a lot of that was thanks to Julian Black and his team at Andreason and Black Securities. Because of the attack in London, Paris was my last signing for a while. All my other European stops have been postponed. I’m upset that I’m letting my readers down, but I have no choice. I have to think of my safety and my child.
I’ve been staying at a hotel under another assumed name, and now I have a personal bodyguard. I glance over at my silent shadow, Shakespeare, who stands there watching everything. He doesn’t talk to me, and I know nothing about him. Normally, everything I do has to go through him, but I promised Lorelei I would keep our meeting a secret. She’s acting paranoid, and I’m worried about her.
I turn away when I can no longer see my mom and head toward the exit. Shakespeare falls into step behind me as I make my way to the valet line where our car is waiting. The only way I can meet Lorelei and protect everyone is to spring it on Shakespeare—he’s my driver too. He holds the door open for me, and as I start to get in, I turn to look up at the big guy.
“I have a meeting onAv de Suffren,” I tell him.
His eyes crinkle, and his jaw tightens. “Ms. Westerbrook, you know we can’t do anything unless it’s planned.” He won’t call me by my first name.
“It was planned. I just didn’t tell you.” I cock my head and smile at him. “Sorry, but I have a friend who needs me. Please.” I almost push out my bottom lip in a pleading gesture. He shakes his head at me for a moment.
“Fine.” He huffs as he closes my door. “But I will stay close. Browser and Rogue still haven’t found your attacker.”
Andreason and Black Securities is working with other agencies to help find this crazed fan. They’ve accessed all my accounts and social media to look for this person. I started receiving hate mail through my publisher and Cortney’s office. Cortney headed back to the States after the con as there was no need for her to stick around.
I brush my hand through Eddie’s fur as I look out the window. Shakespeare pulls into a parking lot a short distance from the café. I wait until he opens my door and let Eddie out first. Eddie grumbles at Shakespeare. They don’t really care for each other. It’s been a fun challenge trying to get them to get along.
As we approach, I spot Lorelei sitting and waiting for me. When she sees me and stands, I notice her condition. Just like me, she’s pregnant too. But she is obviously further along than I am.
“Lorelei.” I rush to her, and we hug. “How far along are you?” I ask when I step back.
“Thirty-nine weeks. He could come at any time now.”