Page 69 of Bratva King's Secret Twins
Every night, I bite my tongue until it bleeds just to keep me from telling him the truth. Every day, I spend my timewandering this massive penthouse trying to figure out a way to tell him the truth. Today is the first day I just decided to show him, because there are no words that equate to looking at the daughter with your hair and the son that has your eyes. It seems easier to do that than to figure out what to say to him.
I lean outside of my bedroom door where a heavily guarded man stands, staring silently at the opposite wall. He looks down at me from the corner of his eye.
“Hey?” I whisper.
He doesn’t respond and just grunts. “You know it would be easier to talk to you if I knew your name?”
The guard huffs, shifting in his position. “Okay let me guess,” I continue in a sing-song voice. “Brett…Kendall…Lyon?”
“No, what type of name is Lyon?” he snaps, rolling his shoulders back and keeping his eyes trained forward.
“A fun one. But could you tell me your real name? Please?” I bat my eyelashes, smiling at his stone cold face.
“Oooh, Roshin. I like it!” I beam. “Now Roshin, can you get Mary for me? It’s important.”
“Sorry, miss, can’t move unless you move.”
“I know that, but I can’t really exit my room right now in this predicament.” I dart my eyes down to my pants, and then back at him with shy eyes.
“Oh,” he comments uncomfortably. “Don’t leave this room.”
“You have my word.” I smile tightly and watch as he marches down the hallway and out of sight.
I tightly close my door, holding my phone in my hand, knowing I have about ten minutes of privacy before Mary knocks on my door and Roshin is back in place. I bite the bullet and call Kelsey and Taylor on a group Facetime. Kelsey answers on the second ring with David smiling in the camera.
“The guilt is eating me alive,” I blurt out, and both Kelsey and David’s faces twist.
“Woah, back up a bit,” Kelsey says with furrowed eyebrows. “And start at the top.”
Taylor finally answers the call, sweat dripping down his face as he runs at full speed on a treadmill. “Hey, don’t spill the tea without me!”
I take a deep breath and close my eyes as I continue speaking. “I have to tell Nik about Gio and Mia. Kelsey, you have to bring them here to us. Nik’s father is trying to kill me, and I'm afraid he will go after the kids too. But I can't protect them because Nik doesn't even know they exist. And Mason is probably still searching for me at the DMV area, because you know he’s not so bright, so it doesn’t matter that he's on our tail because he's just one small fish compared to Nik's father Boris, who is like a fucking shark.”
“Okay.” Kelsey swallows, looking at David. “Did you get that?”
“Kind of?” David questions.
“What the hell, Gwen?” Taylor snaps as he slows down to a brisk walk.
“Okay, so Taylor’s got this,” Kelsey comments, shifting on the couch.
“Tay, I love him, okay? I know this is bonkers.”
“Bonkers!” Taylor scoffs. “This is downright insane, Gwen. You need to get out of there.”
“I can’t. Nik is the only one who can protect all of us, trust me.”
“What, is Nik the fucking president?” Kelsey chimes in, rolling her eyes.
“No, he’s the head of the Russian mafia,” I spill without even thinking.
Everyone is silent for a second, even Taylor slams down on the stop button on his treadmill and stares at me. Then in unison they all scream, “What?”
“He has the power to protect us,” I whisper.
“What the fuck, you’re dating the head of the Russian mafia? The FBI has been trying to take them out for years!” Taylor barks.