Page 6 of Mafia Lion's Plus Size Obsession
Vittorio leans towards me, and I meet him halfway. Our bodies lean into each other as our hands roam. His lips are just as wonderful as I could’ve imagined. He kisses me like he wants to devour me, and I return his aggression with a dose of my own.
Holy fuck, I’m kissing Vittorio Leoni!
My head lights up with that fact, but my body shuts down any hesitation. I melt into him as his mouth moves against mine. I feel his hands travel over my breasts and then, move lower, and I can’t believe that I'm about to have sex with my lifelong crush.
A knock on the door makes us both jump. It’s followed quickly by a loud, stern voice. “Vittorio! Come answer the door.”
We both know that voice. It’s his father.
Vittorio stands up and I can see the tension build again in his body as he goes to open the door.
His father steps in and sees me sitting there. “Hello, Isabella, good to see you.”
“Hello, Don Leoni, very good to see you as well, Sir,”I say with a deferential, very slight bowing of the head.
He nods with a smile and moves his attention to Vittorio. “You’ll have to send Isabella home now. Your auntie and your uncle have traveled fourteen hours to see you.”
He looks at his father. “I wonder how the news got out.”
His father turns to me, ignoring his son’s remark. “So sorry, Isabella, but dinner is already on the table and we didn’t realize Vittorio would be having company, but ...”
I jump up as I cut him off before the inevitable invitation is issued. An invitation I couldn’t refuse, and I really am notprepared for any kind of scrutiny. “I, um, am expected at home, actually. So, I need to get going. Thank you so much for everything, Vittorio. I’ll be on my way now. Again, Don Leoni, it’s wonderful to see you again.”
In my nervousness, I actually curtesy to Don Leoni.
And with that brilliant move, I head for the door.
Chapter Four
I drive to the house in Brax Hill, a rural community about two-hundred miles south of the city. We own eleven houses here. Two apartment buildings, too. I arranged all that in high school, trying to help my father along to a legitimate business process. All of them are rented out except this one, which the family keeps for times like now.
At the house, I change into a jogging suit and then get out through the backyard. I jog a mile or two into the forest until I come to a small hut. We own the hut, too. We own the land I’m on as well. In the hut is a mountain bike, and the mountain bike takes me over three or four miles of trails to another hut. I put the bicycle in the hut, strip, and shift.
And everything returns to focus.
The perspective is entirely different as a lion. Perhaps the most significant change in relation to perspective is just the awareness of the ground. I’ve come to believe that humans are unaware of the ground for the most part. This is why they tripover things they don’t see. Their center of gravity makes focus higher.
Of course, lions in human form are also less aware of the ground.
Now, though, with my head in a different position, I am fully aware, and the change is refreshing and exciting to me. The truth is my eyes are still almost six feet above the ground. Shifters are about half- again larger than the natural animals. I weigh almost a thousand pounds. In the wild, a very large male lion might get to six hundred pounds.
But the position and the nature of a lion's body make me more aware of the terrain. I’m also aware, of course, of the wildlife. I’m instantly distracted by an Iberian pig, a feral boar. I don’t intend to hunt when I come here but now that I hear it rooting a short distance away, I’m in a different frame of mind about that entirely.
I haven’t hunted in a long time. Back home, it isn’t really something I get much time to do. Even though I’m with Company 417, which is entirely composed of shifters, we are still an active fire company. We also have to keep our nature secret. Even though shifters came out to the world, most people do not really believe in our existence.
There is a good deal of worry that perhaps the world is not ready for a shifters’ positions in important services to be revealed. We are drawn to such services. Fireman. Police officers. Military. Rescue. Anything that requires physical activity and physical strategy.
Some of us, Lions in particular, are drawn to business, which makes my family’s business unsurprising. The criminal nature of things isn’t surprising, either. For thousands of years, shifters’ very existence was hidden from humanity. The idea of operating in the shadows is part of what we are.
But that is changing, and so, too, my family is changing.
The pig is a more interesting thing to consider now. I am downwind from him so stalking him will not be as difficult as it might otherwise be. That is not to say that it will be easy. On the contrary, I am so large that there is no way to move silently in this forest with leaves, twigs, and more covering the ground. The most I’ll be able to manage is to move quietly.
I can feel the excitement of the hunt rising within me. I am an African lion, far more at home hunting in grasslands than forest, of course. Nonetheless, this is exhilarating.
Perhaps not as exhilarating as being right on the edge of making love to Isabella but if for some reason the boar gets away, I won’t be nearly as crushed. I can promise you that.