Page 10 of Mafia Lion's Plus Size Obsession
By a hundredfold!
It’s more than amazing. It’s breathtaking.
He speeds up to a pace that makes my body bounce wildly on his bed. I wrap my legs around his hips the best can and pull him to me. I reach up and grip his shoulders. He looks down at me. “You’re so fucking beautiful, Izzy!”
I hold his face in my hands, and we stare at each other as he thrusts deeper, and then, I feel his cock swell inside me, and his body tenses. I feel my own orgasm explode to the surface again. Vittorio falls onto the bed and rolls me to my side so that he stays inside me. We kiss and grab at each other like we’re trying to stay afloat after falling into the ocean.
It’s the most amazing feeling, being in Vittorio’s arms like this, feeling our bodies shiver together as we’re both overwhelmed. His hold on me is so powerful. Neither one of us wants to let go, and we drift in a daze of spent lust, tangled and exhausted.
“Bella, Izzy, my Bella, my wonderful girl.” he mumbles into my hair, kissing the top of my head.
And I realize that this is not just about lust. I realize that what I’m feeling is deeper. That’s not a pun or a comment about his dick size.
I love Vittorio Leoni. I love the mob boss’ son.
So much for leaving the mob behind.
Chapter Seven
Marone, that girl is a handful!
I don’t mean she’s a handful when it comes to how she behaves. I don’t think there’s a man on Earth who could possibly complain about that. She’s not high maintenance at all. She’s not mean-spirited, petty, or demanding. She’s sweet and kind and just about perfect.
But I can tell you right now that I think she’ll never get enough sex from me!
What a strange way to put it. It’s true though. She’s insatiable. Oh, we can go at it until she’s finally just exhausted and wrecked. She’ll collapse into sleep and there’s nothing more she can do.
Until she wakes up.
And then she’s right back at it!
Don’t get me wrong. I am not complaining at all. On the contrary, I guess I’m living every man’s dream, right? I’ve got a girlfriend who wants sex as often as I can manage it. This is what guys want pretty desperately, right? Well, that’s what I have, andit’s difficult to think of the situation in any kind of light other than gloriously positive.
Not that I want to, of course.
I’m in the shower right now. I have to get going early. There’s a meeting with my father and his capos. He wants me there. I don’t want to be there, of course, but that’s not really relevant. Don’t get me wrong. My father isn’t a tyrant. There isn’t going to be some sort of battle if I’m not there but it would be a terrible show of disrespect.
I don’t mean the others would see it that way. They might not even know he intends to have me there. They already know I don’t want to take over and he intends to hand it to them at some point. But it would be a show of disrespect to my father when it comes to my father and me, and that’s enough of a reason.
The water feels good.
But I hear Izzy’s voice ask, “Mind if I come in?” and that feels even better. And then it’s even better because when she comes in, she immediately drops to her knees and her mouth is very busy. She does it without any precursor. She doesn’t…
Hell, how do I explain it? She just does it. She doesn’t make a comment about how she’s doing it. She doesn’t do anything to make me think she’s keeping score or that I need to remember she does this next time she wants something. There’s no gamesmanship here. It’s difficult to explain because my world, at least the mob side, has some built-in cultural norms that aren’t easy to overcome.
The man is in charge.
The woman stays home or the man allows her to do a job he approves of her doing.
The woman’s job is taking care of the husband.
It’s not as cut and dry as all that but it’s a pretty good approximation of things. The kinds of things that develop in relationships where my culture is the norm are different thanin other cultures, I think. Hell, how would I know, right? But with us, what a woman can so involves giving or withholding affection. I don’t mean the sex.
That’s another cultural thing. You have sex with your man. It’s part of the job. However, if you don’t think a woman can withhold affection while sucking your dick, you haven’t received enough blowjobs to understand how things work.
But the point I’m trying to make is that Izzy does none of the things that others might do to use the situation to gain a measure of control. Instead, she seems very sincerely interested in simply making me feel good.