Page 33 of Venus
“Do you have any idea who the fuck I am?”
“Yep,” Roman said as he pulled out a rolling cart with all kinds of instruments on it.
“If you let me go now, I’ll make sure your families aren’t harmed. If you don’t, my people will decimate this hick place.”
“You’re assuming anyone knows where you are,” Sting said as he picked up a nail gun. Without warning, he shot a nail into Victor’s right hand.
The squeal he got from Victor was a very satisfying sound. I glanced over at Venus. She was smiling from ear to ear, her clear blue eyes dancing with glee.
“That was for threatening our families, no matter how emptily.” Sting spoke casually, even as he shot Victor -- in both knees this time. “That was for coming after Katya.” He followed up with both shoulders. “That was because you caused Venus a lot of trouble. Do you know how difficult it was for her to get you to come visit us? I’ll tell you. Not at all. She made one phone call and had five clubs with more resources than most small countries. A couple hours later, here you are.”
By this time, Victor was screaming non-stop. When he finally stopped, sweat saturated his clothing and plastered his hair to his head. Venus had pulled up a chair and casually crossed her legs, swinging the top one up and down. She looked for all the world like she was watching some kind of sporting event. “Perhaps you should ask who Venus is, because clearly you have no clue the type of bear you’ve been poking.”
Roman moved in front of Victor as Sting moved back. “Do you know why you’re here, Victor?” The other man just panted. Spit frothed at his mouth and snot dripped from his nose. Tears streamed down his face. I was pretty sure he’d pissed himself. “You’re here because Venus says it’s time for you to die.”
“Please,” he begged. “I’ll give you anything you want.”
“News flash, bro,” Wylde said cheerfully as he walked up to Victor, drawing his gun. “You’ve already given us every fuckin’ thing you have. Every dollar, franc, euro, pound, and ruble. I’ve put in process the liquidation of all your assets and properties. In a couple days, everything will be in bank accounts we control.” Wylde casually shot Victor in both feet. “Thanks for the offer, though.” Wylde winked at Venus. I would have bared my teeth at the other man, but I knew he was doing it just to get a reaction from me. Fucker loved goading people until they popped. Kinda like his woman’s sister. Lemon. The woman wasn’t much more than a teenager who was now vice president of Grim Road as well as the president’s old lady. Wylde might not have raised Lemon, but he and the young woman were exactly alike.
Victor’s screams were constant now, so everyone stood back and waited for him to calm down. All the while, Venus looked like she was having the time of her life, just sitting there watching as the men of Iron Tzars took shots at Victor, all while they gave her every bit of support they would any member of their club.
Finally, Venus stood and walked to the table. She casually picked up the nail gun Sting had started with. She turned it over a couple of times, studying it from different angles. Victor’s breathing was coming in gasps, the air wheezing in and out of his lungs in small pants.
She smiled at him. “You seem to be having bad day.”
“I’ll give you anything, Ulyana. I’ll go back to Russia. You’ll never see me again.”
“Now that I know for fact. After today, I’ll never see you again.” She pointed the nail gun at Victor but did nothing else. He screamed, then whimpered pitifully. It was easy to tell the second he believed she might not shoot him. When she saw him relax marginally, she aimed at his crotch and pulled the trigger.
I winced. “Jesus,” I muttered, though the noise Victor was making probably made it impossible for anyone to hear me. “I thought he squealed like a pig before. This is torture. For me.”
Wylde handed me his gun. “I know, right?”
I moved up beside Venus and raised the weapon. I squeezed off a round into first his right elbow, then his left, before handing the gun to Venus.
“Poor little Victor. Are you finally realizing just how fucked you really are?”
“Please…” His pitiful begging might have swayed me if I didn’t know how much he deserved everything he was getting.
“You sold me to state government so you’d have an ally on inside of FSB. You were going to do same with Katya. You buy and sell boys and girls as playthings for people who sexually and physically abuse them before killing them. For fun! You are in middle of everything our collective clubs fight against daily. Especially Iron Tzars. They’ve fought for longer than you’ve been alive. And you expect we’re just going to let you go?”
I raised an eyebrow. Venus was talking like she was part of the Tzars. I glanced at Sting who had a satisfied smirk on his face. Yeah. He heard it too. I knew then I needed to pack my shit. Looked like we were moving to Evansville.
“You can’t! Please! Don’t!”
Venus cocked the gun and pointed it at Victor’s head. “I can. I will.” She pulled back the hammer. “I am.” Then she shot him in the head.
There was silence in the barn. Blessed silence.
“I’m hungry,” Wylde said. “Anyone want a pizza?”
“Fuck.” Mars chuckled. I hadn’t really been paying attention to anyone but Victor, but it looked like most of the patched members of the club were here to witness Victor’s demise. “That’s just wrong, Wylde.”
“What? I love pizza!”
“Just for that,” Sting said as he tossed a rag to Wylde. “You’re on clean-up duty.”
“Oh, man…”