Page 28 of Venus
She reached between us to unfasten my pants, and I shifted to allow her easier access. When my cock sprang free, I couldn’t help but groan. As much as I’d been in control the first time I fucked her, she’d made up for it since. I didn’t think she minded that I didn’t try to dominate her again, though. Unless I was greatly mistaken, my little shortcake was having fun. I knew from watching her all these years that she rarely had sex with a partner. Anything she needed to take care of, she did herself. I thought maybe she was enjoying just being with me. It was telling that she’d never liked making herself findable enough to fuck someone before, yet with me she didn’t even try to stop herself. That told me she really did trust me.
Venus leaned in close, her breath hot against my ear. “We have work to do, but it can wait,” she whispered seductively. “At least, for little while.”
I chuckled. “Baby, ain’t nothin’ little about me. Least of all anything to do with what we’re about to do here.”
Her lips traced a path along my jawline as I wrapped my arms around her, pulling her closer. “Now, there’s something I’ll never dispute, Piston.”
She kissed me then, brushing her lips lightly against mine in a tantalizing kiss that promised much more. The heat of her body pressed against mine sent shivers of anticipation racing through me. “I want you,” she whispered against my lips. “Now that I’ve had you, I can’t seem to get enough.” She sounded almost helpless, like she might not be happy about admitting she what she wanted but was surrendering to it nonetheless.
Her hands roamed across my chest, fingers tracing the tattoos and muscles as if memorizing every detail. I nodded, lost for a moment in the depths of her eyes, so clear and intense. “Yeah,” I managed to say. “I can’t get enough of you either, and I’ll be Goddamned if I’ll apologize for it.”
She grinned up at me. “At least I’m not only one.”
“Oh no, baby. You definitely ain’t the only one. I could spend every day for the rest of my life worshiping your beautiful body and it still wouldn’t be enough.”
Her expression softened, and she leaned forward to capture my lips, tangling her hands in my hair, pulling me closer. Venus deepened her kiss as our bare skin slid against each other, igniting a fire inside me I was sure could burn down worlds. Our breaths mingled, quick and ragged, as the room filled with the sounds of our urgent lust.
Breaking away from the kiss for a moment, Venus looked into my eyes with a fierce determination. “When we leave here, we’re not coming home until Victor is dead,” she said, her voice thick with emotion. “He absolutely will not touch my family.” Her eyes glistened and I knew she was feeling the fear that Victor was ready to come after her family to retrieve his. He wanted Katya, and if he knew how deep Venus was in with all these clubs, he would be merciless in his attack.
I’d seen the warrior inside Venus on many occasions over the years. Sure, I had only recently been by her side, but this was Venus on a whole other level. Where before she’d killed because she thought it was the best or was the path of least resistance, now, it was personal. She wanted Victor to die by her hand. She would want to look into his eyes as he took his last breath and know with absolute certainty the son of a bitch was dead.
I should have made her take a step back. I should be trying to calm her down and make sure her head was in the right place before we went on this hunt, but I’d be Goddamned if this single-minded viciousness didn’t turn me the fuck on.
“No. He won’t. He’s going to die like the fucking vermin he is.”
Venus shifted her hips and the head of my cock kissed her entrance. I thrust up as she sat back, and I was inside her balls deep.
Our lovemaking was fierce. Venus rode me with wild abandon, throwing her head back and embracing the moment. Watching the ecstasy on her face was the most fascinating sight I’d ever enjoyed.
She moved up and down, bracing her hands on my shoulders as her hips snapped front to back in a splendid dance. I let myself be happily swept along.
With a cry, she arched her back, screaming as she orgasmed around my cock. I gasped, unable to hold back my own release. I gripped her hips and thrust upward, filling her with my cum until she collapsed over me, her body limp where she straddled me.
I wrapped my arms around her, holding her as tight as I could, needing the connection with her. I’d always need this. Even if I couldn’t fuck her, I’d always want my bare body pressed against hers.
Neither of us moved other than to just fucking breathe. It was a short encounter, but all the sweeter because she’d started it and taken what she wanted. She’d given me so much these last few days. More than I’d ever thought she would. She’d given me…everything.
I snagged a blanket from the back of the couch and draped it around Venus. It was a long time before either of us moved after that. When she finally raised her head, she smiled down into my rapt gaze. This was Ulyana the woman. Not Venus the warrior. And I was completely and utterly in love with both.
“Much as I’d prefer to stay here with you the rest of the week, we need to finish this. What’s our next move?”
The second the words were out of my mouth, my phone buzzed. I reached for it where it lay on the couch beside me and glanced at the screen. I turned it around so Venus could see the name.
“Giovanni.” She chuckled. “Wonder what he wants?”
“Probably wondering if we’ve left yet.”
“Well, I can answer that question for him.” She took the phone from me and answered it. “What?”
* * *
There was a short pause. “Venus? Why haven’t you guys left yet? Did Piston not explain what you needed to do?”
“He did. I chose to ignore you.”
“Venus, now’s not the time. Victor wants Katya back. He’s coming for you.”