Page 15 of Venus
“I… I…” She panted, her body limp against me. The only reason she was still on her feet was because I held her up.
“It’s not a difficult question, Venus. Do you want my cock buried balls deep inside you or not?”
“Piston!” My name was a strangled cry on her lips. It was my answer, but I needed more.
“That’s my name, baby. Now tell me what you want me to do.” I ran my lips up and down her neck, grazing my teeth against her and tickling her delicate skin with my beard. “Do you want me to fuck you? To put my dick in that sweet, wet pussy?” She moaned, a desperate sound. “The noises you’re making tell me you need to come. Perhaps I’m wrong? I should let you go. Leave you alone and never fuckin’ touch you again.” I made my words harsh. Angry. I had to push her as hard as I could while still staying in control.
“NO!” She practically screamed the word. “I need to come!”
“Ah, now we’re getting somewhere.” I praised her by moving my dick more firmly against her pussy. I slid through her lips in s sensual glide, rubbing over her clit, just not as much as she needed. I was sure she was getting just enough stimulation to keep her on edge but not push her over. “Tell me, Ulyana. Tell me what you want me to do. All you have to do is tell me. You don’t have to beg. You don’t even have to ask. Just tell me what you want me to do and it’s yours.”
Chapter Seven
I had no idea which way was up or was down. Somewhere in back of my mind, I thought I should be concerned he knew my real name. No one knew it but Millie and Shadow. Millie’s lips were sealed. If Piston knew Shadow, the other man might have helped brother out and given up information about me. But right now, I couldn’t process complex things. No man had ever taken such complete control over me before. Was muddling my brain. Sex wasn’t new to me. I’d done just about everything one could imagine in that area. But nothing I’d ever experienced could have prepared me for what I was currently experiencing with Piston.
When he’d caught my hands, then tied them with his belt, my first instinct had been to fight, but I just couldn’t make my body resist him. His big, brawny arm around my throat, him holding leather belt binding my wrists were show of raw strength on his part. There might have been a small window where I wasn’t completely sure I could break his hold if I’d wanted, but strangely, helplessness only turned me on even more.
I’d thought I’d been in love once. Guard in Victor’s home had caught my eye. At one of hardest times in my life, Mikhail was there. Until I thought my sister was making play for him. I lost my mind and almost got us all killed. It was when I first realized hard lesson FSB had tried to teach me. Caring about someone makes you vulnerable. That was first time I thought understood why I needed to never let my guard down. Even my sisters -- especially my sisters -- could be used against me.
Now, I understood why they’d taught me to seduce. Because I was currently one being seduced. Thing was, I was hundred percent certain Piston was much better at seduction than me because I’d never inspired the kind of madness Piston was currently bringing me to.
Had he made me beg, I might have resisted. I might have been able to pull myself out of haze of lust and need he’d so expertly built within me. But no. He gave me a choice. Let him give me pleasure I craved. Or tell him to go fuck himself. I needed to do latter. But I wasgoingto do former.
“I want you to fuck me,” I whimpered. I was sure I’d be mortified later by how easily I caved, but right now, I needed to come like I needed to breathe.
“You sure? If I do this, I’m takin’ you bare. I’m gonna plant my cum in your pussy and keep my dick inside you all fuckin’ night.”
“This is supposed to change my mind?” I was on the verge of hysteria.
His dark chuckle made me shiver. “Not at all. It’s supposed to warn you. I fuck you now, I’ll fuck you whenever I like from this point forward. I’ll be puttin’ my cum in your pussy at every opportunity, and you won’t stop me.”
“Blyat! Blyat! Chto eto za bezumiye?”
“Not madness, baby. This is your reality. I will give you pleasure you’ve never even dreamed of. But in return, you’re gonna belong to me. You’ll be mine from now on. Where you go, I go.”
“I can’t promise you happy ever after, Piston. My life is --”
“Complicated? You think I don’t know?”
“Do we have to talk about this now?” I practically sobbed out question. Serious turn of subject should have dampened this need inside me, but it didn’t. It only made me impatient to see if Piston could make good on his promises. Surprisingly, I found I loved idea of everything he described. I just wasn’t sure I could give him that much of myself.
“You need to know everything before I do this, Venus. But I’m not going to make it easy for you. You’re not easy. You wouldn’t trust easy. But you trust me. Don’t you.” It wasn’t a question.
“You’re imagining things.” Why did my voice sound breathy and weak?
“This wet pussy against my dick says otherwise.” As he spoke, he moved in slow, easy strokes. Every brush against my clit threatened to send me over edge whether I was ready or not.
Then he stopped, the head of his cock at my entrance. He didn’t press forward and actually breach my entrance, but stayed as still as statue. I think him stopping stimulation was actually worse than teasing he’d been doing.
“Why did you stop?” I practically sobbed out the words.
“Because you won’t tell me what you want me to do. You’re in complete control here. All you have to do is tell me what you want.”
“Fine! Just fucking fuck me! I want you to fuck me!” I yelled at him, all my anger and helplessness and loneliness and longing came rushing inside me, just like thrust of his cock.
Without another word, Piston gave me what I asked for. He took my breath as he pounded inside me. At some point he let my hands go, but all I could do was brace myself against the wall. I tried to push back, to fuck him like he fucked me, but he had me pinned between the hard wall and his equally hard body.