Page 17 of Barbarian's Treat
"You are both fools," Drenol says suddenly.
I turn to look at the elder. "Excuse me?"
"Both of you. Fools." He shakes his head. "The boy will stay with me tonight. You go find someplace private. Get it out of your systems."
And he shoos us like we're pesky flies. What the heck.
I'm just about to tell him that he's being hateful and rude, when thunder ripples through the valley. I eye the skies overhead, but then I hear the thunder again. And again. It takes me a moment to realize that it's coming from within me instead of from above. With wonder, I look over at Salukh.
My gorgeous, wonderful, even-tempered, patient Salukh.
Who is not even-tempered or patient today. Just like I've been restless all day.
I laugh aloud. Maybe wearefools.
Salukh staresat me with a puzzled expression as I grab his hand and pull him away from the game field. "Where are we going?"
"Away. Somewhere private. Were you not listening to Drenol?" I laugh with delight, the roaring in my ears not letting up. Resonance pounds in my head, my pulse and the thrumming as loud as any drum. It's been so very long. I've been told that some couples only resonate once. And I've truly been fine with that. I don't need a dozen children at my knee to be content with my life, like Josie always says she wants. Lukti is the best child, and I adore Salukh with every fiber of my being. I could not ask for more.
But now that resonance has happened again...oh, the possibility. A tiny brother for Lukti, or a sister. Another baby to love. Another bond with my mate. It feels like a gift, not an imposition. A surprise gift, but a gift all the same.
And I can't stop laughing about it. Because there's so much going on that Halloween feels like the worst time to resonate. There's the trick or treating tonight. There's more food thatneeds to be prepared. I've crafted colorful braided bootlaces since I have no candy to hand out. The costumes need tweaking. Then there’s clean-up. The?—
"Why are you laughing?" Salukh asks, his expression yet one of confusion. "The storm should not bother us in the canyon if you want to play."
I grin at my mate. It's not like him to be so obtuse. "There's no storm."
"I heard it." He points at the sky. "It is just that the drums are so loud..."
"There's no drums," I tell him patiently as I tug on his hand again. "Just as there's no storm. How are you not getting this, love?"
He staggers along, rubbing his chest absently. "I am having a difficult time concentrating." He brushes his fingers over the front of his tunic again...and then stops.
His eyes widen.
"Not a storm..."
"No." I laugh again, so delighted and full of joy that I can't keep it all inside. "My mate, how did it take you so long to figure this out?"
"I have been distracted." He gives me another wry smile, still touching his chest. "I thought perhaps you had used a new soap because you smelled so good. And that you had done something different with your mane. And how red your lips are today. And..."
"And you're unable to focus because we're resonating again!" I pick up the pace, rushing past Marlene and Zolaya, who give us puzzled looks as we storm away in the opposite direction of the festivities. I pick out my craft hut—it's a bit farther away from the ones everyone has claimed for their families, near the stable where the two dvisti are kept, and across from Hemalo's smellyhide-curing hut. Inside I have a bunch of skins that we can use as blankets and hide away from the world for a bit.
"So we are. Resonating. Are you happy about this?" The look of wonder on his face turns suddenly concerned. His steps slow. "I know Mah-dee is quite content with one kit, and Lukti is all I could ask for in a son..."
I pull him close before he can question how I feel. "Kiss me. Right now."
He drags me against him, his arms going around my waist, and kisses me so hard that I'm left breathless and panting afterward. "Our life is so good right now, I would not wish to change anything," he murmurs as I caress his jaw. "As long as you are happy, I am happy."
"I have never been unhappy with you," I point out to him, tracing his soft—damn,sosoft —mouth with my fingers. "Another baby will be nothing but more joy for all of us."
A smile breaks through his worried expression. "Yes?"