Page 13 of Barbarian's Treat
Haeden nods, a hint of a smile curving his hard mouth as he shrugs off the last of his layers. "There will be much fresh meat for the feast tomorrow. I brought down three dvisti and had to rig a travois to bring them all back."
"You're amazing," I breathe. I'm always so impressed by him. He's such a good hunter and an even more amazing father to our kids.
"Enough about me." Haeden drops to his knees and puts his hand on my rounded belly, all of his focus switching to me. "Tell me about your day. Did this one kick?"
Nodding, I pull my tunic up so he can rub my bare stomach. He nuzzles it and presses his cheek to my skin, his fingers moving over the bulge of our upcoming baby. "Very active today. This one's going to be another Joden, mark my words."
"One might be enough."
I bite back my giggle at that. Our son is a boy of extremes. "He really wanted to go with you today. I felt guilty at first but now seeing how tired you are, I'm glad he stayed home." I pick bits of ice out of Haeden's braid as he rubs my belly.
"I am glad, too. It was no weather for the young. Did he carve the roots in your ceremony today?"
"It's not really a ceremony. It's A tradition. Decorating for the holiday. And yeah, he did some carving."
"What did Joden make out of his not-potato?"
I bite back a giggle. "Hash browns? A mess? All of the above? He doesn't have the patience for carving. Kae was sitting right next to him and of course hers looked like a darn sculpture. I think that bugged him." I smooth Haeden's hair back from his brow, using any excuse to touch my mate as lovingly as he touches me. "Joden's been kind of quiet lately. Do you know if something's bothering him?"
Haeden rubs his cold nose against my belly. "I can feel this one moving. As for Joden...he is getting older. It is most likelynothing, but I will speak with him." He glances up at me. "You worry too much, my resonance."
"I just want to be a good mom."
"You are the best mom."
My eyes well with silly tears and I caress his cheek. "You're the best mate."
He grunts and gets to his feet. "I am the most tired of mates this day. Is there food? I could eat."
"Let me fix you a bowl." I move to brush past him.
Haeden snags me gently by the waist and bends down to nuzzle my neck. "No, no. You have been watching the kits all day and your belly grows heavy. You sit. I can make my own bowl of food."
So sweet. I beam at him because I know it's impossible to argue with Haeden...and I'm just as tired as he thinks. I sit by the fire and watch as he ladles the stew into a bowl. He hates hot food normally, but in the brutal season, it's welcome, no matter the taste. When he's got his food, he sits on the cushion next to me and then tugs me into his lap with one arm, his other hand holding his bowl.
"Now, tell me about your day. Did you finish the costumes?"
"Yes! So Joha wants to be a ghost. It was hard to find that many pale skins and I hated to cut holes in it for eyes and her horns, but it looks seriously cute. Joden's going to be a snow beast because he says it looks scary, and so I've been adding claws and more fur to the head part to make it look appropriately terrifying."
He smiles between sips of stew broth. "And Shae?"
I bite back a giggle. "Shae is going to be a not-potato. I stuffed her little tunic and made it look rounded and she has some pink stalks coming out of her shoulders. You should see it. It's adorable. I even modified one of my tunics and stuffed the center here." I rub my rounded pregnancy belly. "And I have a couple ofstalks coming out of the side so it looks like I'm carrying another not-potato in me."
Haeden shakes his head. "This is the strangest hawl-day yet."
"It's just all silly fun. It's one of my favorites. I want to give the kids everything I didn't have growing up."
He leans over and brushes his lips against my brow. "I know. I am not mocking. I just do not understand the customs behind it. If it makes you happy, then I will enjoy it. If it makes the kits happy, I will enjoy it." He thinks for a moment, and then eyes me again. "Did you make me a costume?"
I gasp. "I didn't think you'd want to participate! I'm sure I can throw something together!"
"Make me a few stalks of the not-potato leaves. Perhaps I will be the Father Not-Potato to the smaller ones." He shrugs. "Might as well join in the strangeness."
I throw my arms around his neck and kiss the hell out of him because he really, really is the best.