Page 10 of Barbarian's Treat
"Hollow dream," Pashov says, and winks up at me. "Or Hollow Weenie."
Both of the boys burst into giggles. "That's not what it's going to be called, Dad!" Pacy nudges his father, grinning. "No one's going to call a holiday anything about weenies!"
"No? Must have heard it wrong." He pretends to rub his ear, all the while grinning at me.
I manage to avoid laughing out loud but just barely. Pashov might be older and a father twice over, but he's still an absolute goofball. Moving closer to Pacy, I let him take his spoon and get a bit of the boiling-hot caramel and watch as he makes it in a perfect swirl on his snow. "That looks really nice, sweetie. Good job."
Pacy shoots a triumphant look at Tash, who is utterly clueless to his brother's competitive side. My smaller son's gaze is focused entirely on his bowl, watching his caramel treats as they cool and harden. "When do we get to eat, Mama?"
"Soon enough. Let it cool a bit longer or else you'll burn your mouth. Here, Pashov, your turn."
My mate takes the spoon with glee. "Finally!" He throws down enough melted hraku for two large blobs, and then dribbles a third tiny one in the corner.
"Dad! You're taking too much!" Pacy admonishes. "Save some for us!"
"I am, I am." He hands the spoon back to Pacy, who gives his father an indignant look before taking another turn.
We go around the small group repeatedly, making candy until all the snow has melted and the caramel is now making hard sticky bits on the edges of my metal pan. I set it down on one of the stones by the firepit to cool and watch as Pashov carefully nudges his two biggest pieces of candy into the boys' bowls, because of course he'd made them for his sons. I give him a small smile as he pops the last piece into his mouth.
"What do we think?" I ask, watching as my boys shove their faces full of the sweet treat. Both Pacy and Tash give me bright-eyed looks of happiness. They've had hraku plenty of times before for special occasions, but probably never so much so heavily concentrated.
Pashov shoves a finger in his mouth. "I think my fangs are melted together."
I chuckle. "Maybe when we make candy, we'll add sprinkles of seeds and chop up some of the dried fruit to break it up a bit. We'll need all the hraku and seeds you can find, though, so we have plenty for us, too." I wouldn't make treats without saving a little something for my boys anyhow. The happiness on their faces makes me glow inside more than any nibble of caramel.
Well...I'll still take a nibble. I point at a flake in Tash's bowl. "Can Mama try a bit?"
The treats don't last, of course. I made a small batch to test it out, and the boys (and Pashov) tear through all of it quickly. When the candy is gone, Tash moves to me and squeezes me in a hug. "Thank you, Mama."
"Thanks, Mom," Pacy adds, and comes and gives me a quick neck-hug. Then he races for the door. "Wait until Joden hears what we got to eat!"
I giveTash a jiggle as he lays his head on my shoulder. "Want to join your brother?"
Tash sighs. "No. Joden talks too much and he ignores me."
Aw. Poor kiddo. Right now the oldest boys are going through a weird phase where they're getting competitive with the younger ones, and my sweet Tash isn't confrontational. If anything, he's shy. His best friend is Rollan, who is also quiet, but who is currently at Icehome Beach. I stroke his hair while Pashov stacks the bowls in the corner. "Maybe...could you do something for Mama? Go ask Grandma Kemli if she has any extra seeds for me?"
"I guess." He heaves a big, gusty sigh and then gamely trots away to find his grandmother.
As he does, Pashov and I share a look.
"He is fine," my husband says with a shrug, still picking caramel out of his teeth. "You worry too much."
Pursing my lips, I watch my son retreat, his little back strong and proud. "I know Kemli will spoil him for a bit, but it doesn't make up for the fact that Tash needs more friends. Everyone'sPacy's age, but there's a gap for Tash and I don't like it." It's like the children have chosen to be either Pacy's friend or Tash's friend, and they've chosen my more gregarious Pacy. Normally it doesn't bother me because Tash has Rollan…but Rollan isn’t here.
Pashov licks his finger as he regards me. "He will find his way. I fought with my brothers when I was younger."
It's different, though. I can't imagine quiet, self-assured Salukh picking a fight with Pashov. And Zennek is an even quieter sweetheart. If anything, Tash is far more like them than his father Pashov. Who else can Tash play with that's the same age? Vekka? She plays dolls with the girls. Maybe Zalene, but she's got a sharp little tongue and has been using it on the boys lately. Tash is sensitive and sweet and I don't want anyone to crush his fragile spirit. "Maybe we should get him a pet. Like Holvek."
"A quill-beast, then?" My mate asks, voice dry. "A snow cat? Or perhaps a dirtbeak?"
I shudder at the thought. Maddie has horror stories of where she's found Millicent nesting. Given that Millicent's a dirtbeak, and dirtbeaks make their nests out of dung, well...I'd be hosing the entire hut down on a regular basis. "Actually, never mind. I guess we'll just wait for Rollan to come back."