Page 97 of Pet: A Dark Menage Romance
Well. Only almost.
“You got it,” Maria winked at me, setting down her empty glass. God, she was really downing them. I figured she was pretty drunk already, and if she kept going at that rate, we’d have to practically carry her back home.
“Let’s go dance,” I begged her, and she was on her feet in a second.
Felix stared at me, saying, “I didn’t think you were a dancer.”
“I’m not,” I said. “But I am whatever I want to be tonight.”
I felt his eyes on me as Maria dragged me to the dancefloor. The bar served as a club once it got a little later, but right now, there were only a couple of people moving to the music. Maria didn’t seem to care though, and she twirled me around the floor as if the loudest club music was playing. She made me laugh out loud, and I felt everyone looking at us.
I was definitely underdressed, wearing a silly pink dress with a skater skirt and a lace top. I probably looked even younger than usual, especially now that the purple had completely faded from my hair and I was back to my natural white blonde. But it felt good, and I loved dancing with her. She had a way of making all my worries disappear, and it felt so damn good. I let it all out on the dancefloor, and I let my fears drop down to the ground where I stomped all over them in my peep toe Mary-Janes.
I looked up to find Felix watching us, and I motioned for him to come join us. The music had gotten louder and the floor was filling up, but he still shook his head no, and I stuck my tongue out at him and kept dancing.
We ruled that dancefloor. Maria’s laugh rang through the music, and I loved dancing with her. Her hands were hot against my skin when we touched, and I remembered that kiss in King’s living room, remembered how fucking hot it felt even though I didn’t want to do it at first. It made my panties a little wet, but I ignored it as I kept dancing, kept trying to forget.
I felt another pair of hands on me, big and strong, and I turned around expecting to see Felix.
But it was someone else, another stranger. He was handsome, but I didn’t want him touching me. It scared me.
And then Felix was next to us, and he glared at the guy so much he took his hands off in an instant. And then he just stood there, glaring at me this time.
“What?” I asked self-consciously, raising my voice over the music.
“Don’t fucking let them touch you,” he barked at me, and I rolled my eyes.
“I didn’t exactly give him a written invitation,” I said. “And who are you anyway? My dad?”
“Fuck off, Sapphire,” he bit out, grabbing my forearm. “We’re fucking leaving.”
“Hey!” Maria butted in, her eyes angry. “Let her have some fun, you moron. This is the first time she’s had any in weeks.”
“And you know what’s good for her better than me?” he scoffed. “Sure thing, Maria.”
“I’m her best friend,” she argued, taking my other arm forcibly. “Come on, Pet, let’s go.”
She slipped, and we all froze.
My heart pounded for a second before I ripped my arms out of their hands, and they let me.
And then I ran outside, leaving my purse and my drink on the table.
I heard them coming after me, calling out for me to stop, but I wouldn’t, couldn’t, until I was in an empty alley. No one there but me, and the sound of their approaching footsteps.
I leaned against the brick wall and tried to catch my breath, realizing I wasn’t really out of shape, just trying desperately not to cry or have another panic attack out there.
“I’m so sorry,” Maria breathed, coming to a stop next to me. How she’d managed to get to me before Felix, and in those five inch heels, was beyond me. “I totally slipped, Sapph, I’m so fucking sorry, I feel terrible.”
“It’s okay,” I whispered, looking at her with a small smile. “I know I’m overreacting…”
“Are you okay?” Felix finally caught up with us, his eyes on mine, demanding answers. “Please, Sapphire. Are you okay?”
“Yeah.” My voice was shaking, and I felt embarrassed. “I just needed to get out of there, I’m really sorry…”
“It’s fine,” Maria said hastily. “It’s totally fine. Do you want me to stay with you?”
I looked at her, feeling the blush creeping up my neck.
“I want to go home,” I whispered.
“Oh, honey.” She hugged me close. “You want to go to my place?”
I shook my head no. “I want to go with him.”
We both looked at Felix, and he shifted his weight from one foot to the other awkwardly.
“We can go anytime you like,” he told me. “Really, Sapphire.”