Page 92 of Pet: A Dark Menage Romance
He was still shirtless. I wondered if he was just going to leave the building like that, with her in his crappy old band tee. She’d be cold. I couldn’t stand the thought of her being cold.
“Take her stuff,” I told him as he ran around the room, picking up shit. “Take her clothes, she’ll be cold.”
“She doesn’t want anything from you,” he spat at me. “I’m just getting my own stuff.”
I stood there uselessly, and I watched her on the couch, facing away from me. She was holding her middle and crying so softly I could barely make out the sobs.
I wished he’d gone harder on me when he beat me. I wished he would’ve killed me right then and there.
But that wasn’t part of the plan, just like the broken bottle wasn’t. Maybe it was how it was supposed to happen.
“We’re leaving,” Stranger told me roughly, and I just gave him a blank stare. “Say your goodbyes. Fucking hurry though, and I’m watching you, remember.”
I nodded, and walked over to her. She didn’t look at me as I kneeled down next to the couch.
“Pet,” I whispered, and she raised her beautiful head to look at me. Her eyes were red and puffy, her gorgeous baby blues merely a small light in her face. “I’m sorry for what I did to you. I’m so sorry.”
“I don’t want to go,” she whispered back, and it fucking broke me.
I didn’t want to let go.
I didn’t want her to leave me.
I wanted to keep her for purely selfish reasons, and I knew I couldn’t.
I finally had to sever our ties, so she could move on with her life.
“You have to,” I told her gently. “It’s time for you to go, my pretty Pet. It’s time for you to move on.”
“I don’t wanna,” she sobbed, and my hand touched the top of her head, barely, so scared I would break her.
“You have to go with him,” I said. “I can’t have you anymore, Pet. I’m not good for you. This isn’t good… You have to leave, you have to be healthy with someone else. This isn’t good for you. This won’t end well.”
“I don’t care,” she said, her eyes on mine. “I just want you. Don’t you see that? I only ever wanted you…”
I glanced at Stranger, who’d turned his back on us. I could see how tense his shoulders were, how hard he had to fight the urge to throw me against the wall.
And then I kissed her, for the very last time.
And she tasted sweeter than ever before.
I knew that kiss would be on my mind the day I died. I would never be able to forget it.
I moved away from the couch, and let Stranger take my place.
He picked her up in his arms as if she weighed nothing, just like I used to. He looked at me one last time, and I hated every second of this goodbye that I didn’t want to happen.
“Take care of her,” I told him, and he nodded. A silent agreement passed between us. “Make sure she’s safe. Make sure no one hurts her.”
Not like I just did.
“If you need to take her to the doctor,” I added. “I can help… I have all the information, everything. Just let me know what you need. I want to help…”
“I have money,” he spat at me, and I gave his outfit a doubtful look.
Work boots, those torn jeans, and he was still fucking shirtless like some damned savage. I could practically see Pet’s pussy in that shirt of his, and I hated seeing it on her.
“I’ll take your word for it,” I told him, and I let him walk out of the room.
When they reached the door, Pet held out her hands and cried out for me, like she was still my little girl and I was still her master.
That was the last sight I had of her until they disappeared out of the apartment, out of the building.
The last sight I’d ever get of my perfect, pretty little Pet.The rest of the night was a blur, and so was the week, the long days after that.
I fell asleep on the floor with her blood still marking the wood.
I drank myself awake at the counter, on the couch. I just kept drinking, drinking as much as I possibly fucking could.
It numbed the pain, but it didn’t do much for the memories. Those were still fresh as a newly opened wound inside my head, ready to fuck with me any chance they got.
I missed her, she was like a fucking phantom limb. I missed her on the couch, her legs on my lap, tickling her while she picked a movie.
I missed her in the bedroom, curled up next to me, needily reaching for my body while she slept, needing me so much fucking closer than I could physically get.