Page 56 of Pet: A Dark Menage Romance
Someone’s hand wrapped around my forearm and I looked up, startled.
A man.
I swallowed hard.
He had gray eyes and blonde hair. There was a small nick on his jaw from when he’d cut himself shaving.
“You okay there, miss?” he asked me. His voice was heavy with lust.
I shook my head no and his hand moved down my arm. I could feel the butterflies; in my pussy this time.
“Jenner, let’s get fucking going.”
“In a second, sir,” he replied and kept staring at me.
I parted my lips and gave him a needy look and he groaned, reaching up to my face.
I tore myself out of his arms and ran down the block.
I stopped in a side alley.
Not even that was trashy, not in this part of town.
I felt like I was going to pass out. My palms touched the brick wall of the building behind me and I slid down until my ass was resting on my ridiculous heels.
My heart pounded with a rhythm of some song I used to know. I stared at the floor and tried to get to my senses.
I must’ve been out for ages. I didn’t have a watch, but it felt like hours. I’d walked around aimlessly for so long. But I’d been walking in circles. I was nearly back to King’s apartment building.
The sky was a darker shade of gray now.
My time was running out.
I didn’t want him to win.
I couldn’t let him do that.
Tick tock, tick tock, tick tock.
I picked myself up again, not knowing how when I felt so broken. My legs barely worked, but they managed to carry me back to the main street. I kept my eyes down. On the pavement. On my shoes.
Step after step after step I headed back to the apartment building. I still felt their eyes on me. Still felt them looking.
I needed a fucking miracle.
I needed to cross the street.
I looked up and crossed it.
Someone blew their horn at me and I stopped in my tracks, right in the middle of the road. I felt like a deer in headlights, frozen, completely frozen.
Curses, screams. Someone pulling me out of the way, screaming their head off at me.
I’d never felt more terrified.
A couple. The woman was frantic, screaming at the man to make sure I was okay. She was holding a baby in her arms.
I looked at the guy. He was holding my arm, but he seemed mesmerized despite his woman screaming at him to do something, to make sure I was okay.
He stared into my eyes and I breathed in short, panicked breaths.
“She’s fine,” he told the woman. His voice was heavily accented and deep.
I could fuck him.
I would fuck him.
I had to.
“You…” I whispered, and his pupils dilated even more.
The woman kept chattering and he stared at me like I was a fucking Happy Meal.
“Do you need help?” he asked me, and I swallowed so hard it hurt my throat. His eyes zeroed in on my neck and he watched me swallow again. His free hand was in a fist.
“Jason, I need to feed her,” the woman said, cradling the screaming baby. But her man didn’t move an inch. She gave us an incredulous look and smacked his shoulder. “Are you fucking kidding me?”
I giggled.
And then I laughed.
And then I left.
This was too fucking hard. I would never be able to find someone, fucking never.
I walked the short distance to the other side of the road, my eyes dancing over the people on the street.
I had to do it, I fucking had to.
In the end, it was so simple.
I looked over to the townhouses on the other side of the street. Pretty brick houses with well-groomed plants lining the steps that led up to the front doors.
He was sitting on the steps. He looked as out of place as I felt.
It wasn’t that warm, not really.
Not warm enough for the sleeveless shirt he was wearing. His arms were bulging with muscles. Tattooed muscles.
The jeans he had on were ripped to shreds. His wore black leather boots and his hair was messy and a few inches too long. Dark brown, like his eyes. He wasn’t shaved. His beard was almost at the point where it looked unruly, but still groomed enough to make me think he had it on purpose.
He rubbed his palms together, looking across the street. His eyebrows were knitted together. It looked like he was waiting for someone.
He was closer to my age than King’s.
There was something weird about him, something off. He looked like a ticking time bomb.
Tick tock, tick tock, tick tock.
He looked across the street again, his motions frantic and fast.
He saw me, and he didn’t look at my face for long.
His eyes drank me in, from the shoes, to the stockings, up my legs, lingering between them. Over my jacket, licking his lips as he stared at my chest. Over my neck, up, up and up and to my lips, to my flushing cheeks, to my needy eyes.