Page 54 of Pet: A Dark Menage Romance
“Yes,” she said. Her legs were trembling and I caged them between mine so she wouldn’t fall over.
“I want you to go outside,” I told her gently, brushing my fingertips over her skin. “You can take my jacket, but you have to look exactly like this otherwise.”
She stared at me.
“You’re going to find someone on the street,” I told her in the gentlest of voices. “Someone you like. Or someone that likes you. Preferably both. A stranger.”
I could practically hear her heartbeat.
“You’ll bring him home,” I went on. “A man you don’t know. And you’re going to beg him to fuck you in the playroom.”
I could see the tears brimming in her eyes, so I tipped her chin back before they fell.
“Don’t cry, Pet,” I said softly. “Don’t ruin your pretty makeup now, it’ll be harder to find someone to fuck you if your pretty face is stained with tears.”
She stared and stared and stared.
“I’ll be back in a few hours,” I promised. “You can get rid of him by then, or you can make him wait for me.”
I didn’t mention that if she let him stay, I’d probably knock the guy’s teeth out.
Her chest heaved. She didn’t want it. Not yet, at least.
“I don’t care how,” I told her.
She gasped as I slid a finger over her pussy, her little panties already drenched.
“But I want you to make him come.”
I got up from the stool and walked over to the couch. She stared and stared and stared some more.
I brought my blazer to her, the one she’d worn when I made her flash those guys on our first night together.
“Put this on,” I told her, and she slipped it over her shoulders almost robotically. “Good girl.”
I smoothed down the fabric and buttoned the jacket up for her, covering up her half-naked body. It was too short to cover up everything, and you could still see a hint of her garter belt, those stockings, and her sexy heels. She looked like a treat. A fucking sex kitten. I was so painfully jealous I felt bile rising in my throat.
“Now.” I looked at my watch, then into her fucking terrified eyes. “Are you going to do as I asked you, Pet?”
Her lips parted and the word leaving her lips excited me as much as it crushed me.
“Good girl,” I bit out, kissing her on the cheek. She tried to kiss my lips instead, but I moved away before she could do it. She looked so fucking small in that oversized room, with my jacket too big for her shoulders, and her confidence suddenly in a tiny ball at her feet, trampled all over.
I walked towards the door and gave her a final look over my shoulder.
“You look like trouble,” I told her. “You’ll get it done in no time.”
“Yes,” she answered automatically, and I gave her a big, fake-as-fuck smile. “I will.”
“Good fucking girl,” I said.
I left her standing there with my heart in her hand, and closed the front door firmly.
As soon as she was out of my sight, I lost it.
I barely managed to walk over to the elevator before I slammed my fist into the wall, opening up the cuts I’d made only a few weeks ago when she told me she’d been abused.
It was becoming a nasty little habit.
Leaving had never been harder.
And neither had my cock.Twenty-OnePetI was furious. The moment he left the apartment, I wished I’d scratched his eyes out. Fucking prick.
As soon as I thought we had something, as soon as he lured me into this fucking false sense of safety, he knocked my confidence over again. And I fell like a line of dominoes. I hated him for it.
I couldn’t even move for what felt like hours. I stood in the living room, glued to the fucking spot with my knees weak and my legs shaky.
My phone buzzed with a message and I looked down in a daze. It was from Maria, asking me how it went. My little prank seemed so far away, and so insignificant.
I felt anger then, blinding, white-hot anger, surge through my body. And I let it, because I was going to fucking need it if I was going to do this.
I attempted to walk to the door but nearly toppled over. The heels I was wearing were too high, and I was too fucking nervous. I badly wanted a drink, but at the same time I knew it would only make things worse.
It wasn’t even dark outside, and the sunlight streaming through the floor-to-ceiling windows just made me feel more nervous and awkward.
But I had to do it.
If King thought he could push me around like that, I’d have to prove him wrong.
I was pretty sure he thought I wouldn’t go through with it. That he’d only done it so he could come home that night with every intent of punishing me for my disobedience.