Page 50 of Pet: A Dark Menage Romance
I’d never say those words to her.
“You don’t have to,” she whispered.
She looked so pale. Completely exhausted. I heard myself trying to catch my breath, my cock still hard inside her. She was so tight it hurt to be inside.
I had to bite my tongue so I wouldn’t say it. Bite it so hard I felt blood in my mouth, and it tasted like metal.
I couldn’t do that to her. I couldn’t ruin her life with those three words.
She arched her back and her eyes closed, while mine kept staring at her desperately.
I was so close to breaking the rules for her. The rules I’d written especially for her, that were there to benefit her. She made me so fucking crazy I would’ve hurt her just to tell her how I really felt.
There was a serene smile on her face as she came down from her high, and her eyes stayed closed.
“You don’t have to say it,” she repeated. “I fucking know.”
I wished like a fucking madman she’d open her eyes and let me say it, but she wouldn’t. And I kept my mouth shut and swallowed the blood, and knew I was going to ruin her life.NineteenPetI should have hated myself for saying it, and I should have hated him more for not saying it back. But I couldn’t. It felt too good, too natural. It felt right.
Since the night I’d told him I loved him, King had been even stricter with me.
Everything I did was under his control. Every meal I had, every orgasm he let me have, every piece of clothing I wore.
And I loved it.
It was like I finally discovered what had been missing in my life. This… need to have someone so in control over me. It was so sexy. I would’ve submitted to everything he said, but I loved pushing him, too. If nothing else, just for those punishments he doled out with a stern hand. And I still hoped one day I’d misbehave so fucking badly he’d just finally fuck my ass.
The day hadn’t come yet, but I was pushing for it with everything I fucking had.
He’d started giving me tasks as his work took over most of his time.
Sometimes it was simple things, like making him his favorite dinner. I’d learned how to cook a little, though I still wasn’t great at it, but he seemed to enjoy my efforts.
Other times, he’d make me wait for him at the door on my knees. He’d give me a vague time of when he’d be home and I had to kneel in front of the door until he finally showed up, seething with anger and my pussy dripping on the floor. He’d laugh and stroke my hair and make me lick my own juices off the floor, and I lived for those moments. Anything to please him.
Other tasks included taking pictures for him. After our failed experiment, I’d gotten better at it, mostly because I wasn’t disobeying him as much.
Pictures, videos, sound clips, either sent to his phone while he was at work, or waiting for him when he got home to see what I’d been up to when he’d been gone.
Sometimes I misbehaved on purpose and sent them to his work phone, the one he checked all day long. And he punished me accordingly when he came home.
It was all worth it.
The last idea I had was one I’d come up with together with Maria.
The friendship that had bloomed between us was unlikely, but for some odd reason it seemed to work.
We talked almost every day, either on the phone or through texts. She even video called me a few times, and showed me around the set of her soap opera. Once, King made me talk to her on video while he was balls deep inside my pussy. He held the phone up for me so she wouldn’t see a thing but my face, and made me fucking sweat as she chatted about her day innocently.
He was so bad, and it felt so good.
Maria told me he’d punished her often, and it made me angry. He’d been really lenient with me, she said, but instead of that making me feel special, it just pissed me off. I wanted him to punish me. Hurt me. Show me how much I meant to him by disciplining me. But it seemed as if he’d been avoiding doing that on purpose.
“I have an idea,” she whispered to me over the phone the previous day.
King was at work, and I’d just finished his task of the day, the proof of my ruined panties waiting for a reply on his phone.
“What is it?” I asked her, taking a bite out of my apple. “It better be fucking good. I’m getting desperate here.”
“How about…” Her voice was devious and I liked it. “You do something you know he would hate.”