Page 40 of Pet: A Dark Menage Romance
“Thank you so much,” Sylvie gushed. “Sapphire, I’ll call you next week.”
“Okay,” Pet said softly.
She seemed surprised when her parents hugged her, unsure of how to react to the contact. She relaxed after a few seconds, and it pleased me to see it.
I shook her father’s hand, but her mother surprised me by giving me an extremely uncomfortable hug.
“Thank you for everything, Hayden,” she said, and I cringed hearing my name.
“You’re most welcome. And we will see you soon,” I promised them.
I made sure they got a cab back home and tipped a valet handsomely to drive their car back to their home.
And then I led Pet into our own car, fully expecting her to lay it on me as soon as the doors closed.
“What the fuck was that all about?” she hissed.
No surprise there. “What?” I asked her. “I wanted to meet your parents, Pet.”
“The fucking twenty-one questions,” she spat out. “Why are you digging?”
“Why shouldn’t I be?” I asked her. “I like to know my pets very well.”
My fingers cupped her chin and she groaned, looking away.
“You make me feel so fucking worthless,” she muttered, and it made me laugh.
“Yeah, I can see that,” I told her. “Treating you to a new dress, and a nice dinner with your estranged parents. Fuck, I really am a jackass, aren’t I?”
Her eyes shot daggers at me, and on an impulse, she climbed on my lap and straddled me almost forcibly.
“You think you pull all the strings, don’t you?” she hissed against my lips.
I took her wrists in my hands and pinned them behind her. Stroked her pretty neck and made her moan like a needy little kitten. The tough girl act was gone in seconds.
“I want to take care of you,” I told her simply. “So you better fucking let me, Pet.”
“So stop making me feel inferior,” she said, a sad tinge to her voice. “Stop talking about… the others.”
I tugged on her arms in warning.
“I’m being honest here, Pet.”
Which is more than I could say for you, I wanted to add, but bit my tongue.
“Your honesty is hurtful,” she complained, and I laughed against her lips.
“No,” I told her. “This is.”
I bit into her shoulder roughly and her hips bucked against mine. She responded to pain like she fucking craved it. I wasn’t sure whether it excited me or made me fucking upset. But the way her body reacted… It was like a chemical reaction. Like she couldn’t fucking help it. Like she needed it.
I bruised her throat with my mouth and she melted in my hands.
“I’m going to find out everything,” I muttered against the hollow of her throat. “Every single fucking thing that defines you, Pet.”
“No,” she protested weakly.
“Yes,” I promised her. “And by the time I’m done with you…”
I pressed my thumb down on her throat and she gasped, her breathing ragged.
“You’re going to scream your secrets at me.”
“No,” she mewled.
“Yes.” I was determined about that. “And once I know them all…”
I could feel the heat of her pussy against my crotch.
“I’m going to make it all better,” I said, my voice gentle. Her breath hitched at that, and I caressed her neck softly. “I’ll make it all okay, Pet. I fucking promise.”FifteenPetThe walls in that apartment were closing in on me.
I felt caged. I felt trapped.
King was obsessed with my past.
If I didn’t know before, after the dinner with my parents, it was painfully obvious how badly he wanted to find out what happened to me. And there was no way in fucking hell I was going to tell him. It would ruin everything between us.
Instead of picking fights with him like I usually would, I just avoided any kind of conversation. We’d never fucked as much as we had during those next few weeks. My pussy was permanently swollen and my ass always bruised, and I didn’t care. I loved it. Every moment I spent with him made me fall for him more, not that I would ever admit it to him – though it was probably pretty obvious.
I was getting claustrophobic, though. Apart from some shopping trips and the dinner with my parents, we hadn’t really gone anywhere. And while I liked it in his apartment, it was always just the two of us, and it was almost too intense to handle.
I told him I had to take a day off that morning.
“A day off?” he asked me with a grin. “To do fucking what, exactly?”
I fidgeted on the spot. What on earth was I supposed to tell him? That it was getting harder and harder not to beg him to keep me with each day that passed? I was pretty close to breaking already.
“I’m going out,” I told him. “Maybe the library, maybe the coffee shop, I don’t know.”
He gave me a contemplative look as he put his tie on.