Page 23 of Pet: A Dark Menage Romance
“I won’t,” I told her gently. “You can sleep in my room.”
She grinned and I wondered if she noticed I didn’t tell her she could sleep in my bed. My room, sure, but she’d have to earn the privilege of sleeping beside me. Not the first night, though. The first night was about making her feel safe, and good.
“Do you want me to send someone to your old place to pick up your stuff?” I asked her, and she gave me a shy nod. I made a mental note to arrange that the next day. But I also wanted to take her shopping. I wanted to see her in the clothes I picked out for her, not these teenager-y leftovers she probably had from high school.
“Is that it?” she asked me, and I grinned at her.
“No, that’s not it. But I guess it’s enough for one night. Would you like to go to bed?”
“Yeah,” she said, and yawned the next second. “I’d like that, please, sir.”
She was switching between names so fast it was confusing me. It felt like each one was there for one of her personalities. King when she was bratty. Sir when she was horny. Master when she really fucking wanted to please me.
I was going to have a really hard time that night, keeping my hands off her.
She solidified this thought when she turned to walk towards my bedroom, her ass sashaying out of the room without a care in the world, because she knew how good she looked. Or maybe she didn’t, she was just too young and too stupid to care.
I had the feeling that this pet was going to be really good for me.NineSapphireI’d been awake for hours.
King was fast asleep, his eyes closed and his lips slightly parted as he took breath after breath. I wanted to touch him, but I didn’t want to wake him. So I just looked at him and tried my best to understand him.
He was an enigma. I was almost certain he cared about me. Fuck the age difference, fuck the fact we’d only known each other for two days. Fuck it all; he cared.
And yet he seemed intent on hurting me. As if he was trying to push me away. I swore to myself he’d never succeed.
“Stop staring, Pet,” he muttered with his eyes still closed.
“I’m not,” I lied.
He reached for me and pulled me against him, but I only struggled a little. He held me against his chest and I took it gladly, familiarizing myself with the contours of his body.
“Liar,” he whispered into my hair. His eyes opened and he licked my cheek. “Filthy little liar.”
My ass jerked against his groin and he groaned.
“Don’t do that.”
“I can’t help it,” I said, and my ass grinded on him more.
His arms tightened across my middle and he held onto me, not moving at all. His grip was hard and so was his cock.
“You’re going to get yourself in trouble,” he said.
I looked at him over my shoulder. The sun was rising outside, the sky colored in pretty pinks and blues. It was so quiet. So still.
“You need to fuck me,” I told him softly.
“I don’t need to do anything, Pet.”
“I’ll beg.”
“Begging won’t help you.”
“Then I’ll just have to take what I want.”
I slipped the covers from my body until I was completely exposed. The room was cool and my nipples tightened into tight little points as he stared at me. His hand slid down my chest, over my tummy, and stopped on my left inner thigh. He was wearing boxers, but I could see how stiff he was, the outline of his cock against the fabric almost painfully hard.
“No more waiting,” I said, and he groaned.
“Don’t fucking tempt me, Pet.”
I laughed. “I wouldn’t do such a thing, sir.”
He stared at me as my legs opened for him, his fingers digging into my thigh but not moving a single inch, that small distance that would’ve changed everything for me. I threw my head back in frustration but didn’t make a fucking sound. I pushed my tits up, arching my back, and his nails dug deeper.
“You want this?” he said.
I didn’t reply, I just looked at him. It was obvious what I wanted, and he was being an idiot not taking advantage of me when I was practically begging him for it.
My lips parted slightly and I moaned so softly he might not even have heard it. So softly he’d have to press his ear against my mouth to hear.
And he did.
I moaned again, and he grabbed my waist with his free hand, slamming me into the mattress.
“Stop,” he told me, his mouth hot against mine.
“I can’t,” I said, and my hips bucked against him. “I can’t, I’m so sorry, I just can’t.”
He groaned. Both his hands wrapped around my waist and he held me in place as if preventing me from moving would change a single thing between us. His hands were so big his fingers touched in the middle of my tiny waist. He held on so tightly it hurt.