Page 79 of Lie With Me
“My wife just took her to the bathroom. She’s crying. And she just quit the club.”
Shock zips through my chest and causes my heart to stop for a singular moment. “She quit?”
“She did. And according to Ginny, they had a little talk before the wedding that makes me think the only reason she ran out of here in tears is because you both fucked up somehow.” Jackson stares at me, arms crossed, annoyance written plainly on his face.
“I fucked up. It’s a miscommunication, that’s all. What bathroom did they go to?” I was hoping to avoid this, her running out on me, stunned that I’d tell her how I really feel about her after only two months of knowing each other. I was trying to avoid making a scene at my best friend’s wedding because Julia Roberts showed me just how tacky that can be.
And now, just like Julia, I’m going to go find Lenni in a bathroom full of other women and explain how sorry I am.
“The one in the hall on the way to the main foyer. Whatever it is that happened, her quitting is a big thing, Tripp. I know I said she’s a woman who doesn’t like to be kept, but if she made that decision on her own, I think that speaks volumes about how she feels about you.”
“I agree. So, it looks like I won’t get my heart broken after all.” He doesn’t stop me as I turn to leave, but I hear him say something about sending his wife back to him.
Multiple women are standing around talking as I approach the bathroom, most of them giving me theside-eye as I make no sign of stopping. I interject myself into a conversation and ask one of them to go inside and get the bride.
Ginny appears moments later, breathing a sigh of relief when she sees me. “What happened?”
“I was silent when I shouldn’t have been. I’m sorry we’re causing a scene on your wedding day, but could you possibly clear the room so I can go in and see her?”
“What’s a wedding without a little drama?” Ginny shrugs with a smile. Sometimes, I wonder how she and Jackson work as a couple. She’s super down to earth, and Jackson…is Jackson.
It takes a few minutes, but she clears out the room and holds the door open for me. “I can keep watch and make sure no one can get in,” she offers.
“No, it’s okay. Besides, Jackson is about to throw a fit if you don’t get back out there.”
“Just shove the settee against the door. That’ll stop anyone from getting in.” She motions inside to a large room full of mirrors and furniture made of blush-colored velvet and cream-painted wood.
Even though I think it’s over the top, considering I don’t plan to be there long, I do as she says. “Valentina? We need to talk. Can you please come out of there?” I call into the room full of stalls.
“Why? There’s nothing to say. I get it. You don’t trust me.” Her voice is scratchy as she emerges, pushing past me to check her makeup in one of the full-length mirrors. Tears still line her lashes, but she looks just as beautiful even with smudged mascara.
“That wasn’t it at all,” I tell her softly. Coming up behind her, I wrap my arm around her waist and draw her back to my chest. “I’m sorry I made you feel that way. Idotrust you. It was never about that.”
“Then what is it about? If that’s not it, then why didn’t you just explain it to me?” Her eyes are full of fury as they connect with mine in the mirror.
Gently, I push her hair over one shoulder and drop my chin to rest on the other. “Because I don’t know if you’re ready to hear the real reason.”
“Tell me.” She spins in my arms. “Tell me now, Tripp. Tell me I’m not crazy for wanting this. For wanting you. For giving up my job for you.”
My jaw clenches as she says it because even though I believed Jackson, hearing it from her is so much better. “The real reason will scare you, Viv. If you think I’m intense now, you haven’t seen anything yet.”
“I’m ready to accept intense without being scared by it, Tripp.” Her eyes flash with lust-filled curiosity, and I hate myself for allowing her to walk out of the other room because this could have been settled already if I wasn’t so damn worried about scaring her.
“I didn’t want to fuck you without a condom because once that barrier is gone, you’re mine.” Her breath hitches as my hands tighten on her waist. “I don’t care how possessive or barbaric it sounds. Once I fuck you raw, I’m not letting you go. Youwillbelong to me. Just like I’ve belonged to you since the night we met.”
“I’m yours.” It leaves her lips on a low moan before she surges forward to kiss me, hands immediately dropping to my zipper.
Stepping back, I cradle her jaw gently and push her back. “Not here. I’m not going to have our first time like this be in a fucking bathroom. We’re going to leave and go to the club because I already had it lined up for us tonight. And I’m going to spend hours making sure you never misunderstand me again.” A shiver runs through her body, nipples pebbling beneath the fabric of her dress, making my cock twitch. “Besides. I have a deal to cash in on.”
The next hour passes in a blur. From saying goodbye at the wedding and apologizing to Ginny profusely, to the car where Tripp and I make out the entire ride to Désirer. A simple slip dress is waiting for me in my changing suite, with instructions to keep my diamonds on and not wear my wings. Then, when I’m ready, I’m escorted to a room.
It’s almost as ifI’mthe client tonight.
Even though I want to get to Tripp as fast as possible, I take my time walking through the Grand Room, waxing nostalgic for the place that’s been like a home for so long. The familiarity of women who feel the same as I do about the job, the way men look at me with reverence and how it makes me feel powerful, knowing that they don’t just see a prostitute, but someone who can make all their sexual dreams come true.
I don’t want to be with anyone other than Tripp,but it brings a sad smile to my face—the fact that I know nothing beyond this club. I have no skills. No means of making money besides working at the restaurant, which will now have to be fullandovertime.