Page 49 of Lie With Me
Tossing my phone above my head, I snuggle deeper into the couch and pull Lenni tighter to me, falling asleep to Julia Roberts eating pasta and Lenni’s heady scent of vanilla and coffee.
When I wake, Lenni is gone. It’s starting to get light out, the sky a dirty gray filled with heavy white fluff, and I check my phone to see it’s just after seven in the morning.
“Valentina?” I call out, my heart kicking up withbitter nostalgia of the morning after our first night together.
Swinging my legs off the couch, a piece of paper next to the heating pad catches my attention.
Didn’t want to wake you. You’re cute when you sleep. I went home—call me when you wake up—but not too early. Haha.
It’s signed with her kiss mark, just like the one she left last time.
My lips turn up as I walk to the kitchen and place the note in a drawer with the first one she left.
Usually, I’d sleep in on a Sunday, but I’m feeling refreshed and wide awake. It’s the second time we’ve spent the night together and the second best night’s sleep I’ve had all year.
Instead of calling her—because I know it’s way too early to wake her up—I send her a text while I make a cup of coffee.
When YOU’RE awake, let me know. I’d like to take you out today if you don’t already have plans. And I hope you’re feeling better.
It’s just after ten by the time she responds, my phone chiming just as I step out of my post-workout shower.
I am, thank you. And I’d really like that. What are you thinking?
Taking my chances, I call her, relief washing through me when she picks up on the second ring. She still sounds sleepy, her tone a mix of throaty and hoarse in a sexy morning rasp. “Good morning, handsome. What are we going to do today?”
Her nickname for me sends a pleasing, warm feeling through my chest. One I try to tamper down as I remember that none of it is real to her, as she likes to keep reminding me. Sometimes, I wonder where the act ends and her real feelings begin. But I know that all I can do is continue to treat her as if we’re really dating and hope she comes around.
“How about I come pick you up, and you let me surprise you?” She’s been adamant about not giving me her address, but eventually, I’m going to figure it out.
I think she knows it, too, because she finally concedes. “Okay, you pushy bastard. Come get me. But stay down in the car and let me know when you’re downstairs.”
A grin spreads over my face as I successfully put a dent in the shield she’s got up. “Deal. Text me your address. See you soon, Viv.”
“Wait! What should I wear?”
“Dress warm. We’ll be outside.”
“Outside?” she groans. “It’s going to snow today.”
Looking outside again while I sip my coffee, Irealize she’s right. But what’s more romantic than ice skating in the middle of a snowfall? “Don’t worry, I’ll keep you warm.”
Valentina’s infectious laugh surrounds me as she wraps her arms around my waist. “Iloveice skating! Did Ginny tell you?”
“Maaaybe,” I draw out. “I already reserved tickets and rentals—I didn’t know if you had your own skates, but I guess I should have asked.”
Her lips stretch into a giant smile as she lets go of me to look over the rink. “I don’t actually. I don’t know why I’ve never bought a pair. And how did you reserve tickets if you didn’t know when I’d get up? Or if I had other things planned for today?”
I scratch a non-existent itch on the back of my head, laughing with a shrug. “I paid for the whole day. That way, we could show up when we wanted and leave when we wanted. We can even go grab lunch later and come back if you’d like.”
She pulls her gaze away from the rink to me, her eyes sparkling as she throws her arms around my neck and plants a firm kiss against my lips. “You’re too good to me.”
“I’m really not, Viv. This is just typical dating.”
A pretty blush forms on her cheeks as she turns her attention back to the rink. Her body wilts against mine slightly as her hands drop to layagainst my chest. “I wouldn’t know. I’ve never dated anyone.”
“Really? I find that very hard to believe.”
She doesn’t respond, and I don’t want to ruin the mood, so I grab her hands and pull her over to where we need to pick up our skates.