Page 19 of Burn With Me
Abruptly, she bolts from the couch as if it’s burned her. “I completely understand if you don’t want to see me exclusively anymore. There are lots of other women here who can give you what you want.”
As she makes her way across the room for the door, it makes my heart skip a beat and a panicked feeling bursts in my chest. If she makes it out that door, it may very well be the last time I see her. Her embarrassment is getting the better of her and she has the power to make sure we don’t see each other again.
“I don’t want other women.” My words make her stop—back to me, hand on the door. “I’m sorry for whatever happened to you for that phrase to have such an impact. If you want to talk about it, you can. That’s why this is called theConfessionalwing, isn’t it?”
Turning, she lifts a hand to grab her elbow as she looksdown at the ground sullenly. “Why would you pay so much money forthis?”
“It isn’t about the money,” I say while walking toward her slowly. Strangely enough, it isn’t a lie. If this were any other time, if she was any other woman, it would be, and Iwouldmove on to another Angel. But watching her flinch yesterday, and seeing her come apart today, it’s quickly becoming something I’ve never dealt with before. Something I’ve neverfeltbefore.
“You said you wanted a way to feel in control. This is the safest way for that to happen. And you’re safe here with me, Little Ember. No one can hurt you in here. No onewillhurt you in here. In this room, I’ve got you,” I tell her quietly, stopping a mere hair's breadth away, our hands nearly touching.
“And what about out there?” she asks, just as quietly. Her big blue gaze pierces mine, hopeful, begging to be saved.
“Out there?” Inwardly, I curse myself because though it was my plan all along, its connotation has changed now. “Out there, maybe it’s time to find someone with enough power to protect you from whatever it is you’re scared of.”
Oh, yeah. I’m going to hell.
My stranger’s words echo in my mind for the rest of the night and into Sunday.
Part of me was disappointed to hear him tell me to find someone else. It was silly, and I felt stupid for forming such an attachment to him in only two days. But I’d been hoping his answer would be more along the lines oflet’s remove our masks and just be together in the real world.
So. Fucking. Dumb.
It’s not like me to be this delusional.
“Ginny, dear. Is everything alright? You’ve barely touched your breakfast,” Christine’s voice interrupts my self-loathing thoughts.
Chris’ parents flew up for a few days to be here for some charity event Tisch is throwing on Wednesday. Even though Calvin hates the city and Christine would rather be in the warmer weather back home in Beverly Woods, North Carolina. But Tisch is treating Chris well, and Calvin thinks that throwing them a sizable donation will convince them to continue to do so.
Looking down at my plate, the Brioche French toast I ordered is indeed getting soggy beneath the berry sauce itcomes with. We’re at Little Owl in Greenwich Village–Christine’s favorite place to eat brunch when they come to the city.
“I guess I’m not very hungry,” I tell her with a fake smile and shrug my shoulders.
“Gotta make sure you fit into your dress for Wednesday night, eh, Gin?” Chris elbows me in the ribs, and I roll my eyes while scooting my chair closer to Christine.
“Oh! That makes sense, honey. It is a lovely dress. A little risqué for a hospital event if you ask me, but you do look lovely in it,” she says as she picks at her asparagus salad.
The chatter from the restaurant swallows my unladylike snort as I reach for my mimosa. “Chris is the one who wants me to wear that one. Take it up with him. I’m happy to wear something different.”
Chris stops cutting into his steak as Calvin and Christine share an uncomfortable look discreetly—well, notsodiscreetly—but only I see it. Chris is looking at me like I’m the most annoying thing ever to grace his life while I smile sweetly in return.
“Ginny,” he stresses. “I’ve already told you that I want to make a good impression on the bigwigs of the board.”
“And you think parading me around in a skin-tight gown is gonna do that?” I fire back.
“Oh, come on. We all know those men will be drooling all over you. That’ll be enough to keep me in their good graces just to get a glimpse of you at every event they throw. You know how men like that are.” He waves his knife around as he mansplains his reasoning, before plucking a bite of steak off his fork with a ridiculous grin.
Calvin lets out a long sigh and shakes his head, but remains quiet. The uncomfortable silence descends over the table, just like it always does when Chris makes comments like this. Neither Calvin nor Christine, will ever speak out against their son.
It’s only gotten worse as we’ve grown older.
“Thanks, Chris. I love being reduced to your arm candyeven though I’m yoursister.” I’m playing with fire. His parents will only be here until Thursday. And lately, he’s left me alone. But the look in his eyes right now says that once they leave, I’ll more than likely be getting a visit in my room.
“You’renotmy sister,” he spits venomously.