Page 135 of Burn With Me
Everyone disperses from where they are gathered in front of us, breaking off into groups to mingle as others come tocongratulate us. Through the crowd, I see Tripp making his way toward me. Looking over to see if Ginny needs a refill on her drink, I notice Lenni has also made her way to her friend’s side.
Tripp and Lenni haven’t met yet, and I’ve worked hard to keep it that way, but it looks like my luck is about to run out.
“Sorry, I’m late. Don’t worry though, I didn’t miss the big plate of cheese you served everyone,” Tripp greets.
Ginny turns at the sound of his voice, leaning forward so they can air kiss in greeting. “Better late than never! I’m so excited tofinallyintroduce you guys! Tripp, this is my best friend–”
“It’s you!”
They both exclaim at the same time. Ginny and I look at each other with matching looks of confusion at their outburst.
“You said your name was Bianca!”
“Yousaid yours was Ken!”
“I’ve been looking for you for the last week! Do you know how much trouble I’m in because of you?” Tripp cries loudly.
“Me? What did I do besides give you the best night of your life?” Lenni asks smugly.
“Wait,she’sthe girl you hooked up with?” I ask my best friend incredulously. Over eight million people live in this city, andLenniis the girl who’s had Tripptrippedup for the last week?
Ginny begins to laugh. “Oh, this is too good.”
Before he can shout at her again, I grab him by the arm and pull him away. “Stop making a scene at my engagement party, or I’ll revoke your membership at Désirer.”
“I haven’t even gone yet, asshole. Wait…don’t tell me she works there?” He pulls his arm out of my grip. “I’m so fucked.”
His eyes drift back to Lenni and Ginny, who are still talking animatedly where we left them. Ginny’s face is lit upwith laughter while Lenni looks like she’s finding this situation anything but funny.
“Okay, well, it started with her telling….”
“Stop laughing!” My best friend groans, gulping down the rest of the pink bubbly rosé in her glass. “This is why I don’t sleep with men outside the club.”
“I love you, but this is hilarious. Do you know Jackson hasactivelytried to keep you two from meeting because he thinks that if you guys met, you’d be the most annoying pair in the world?”
“Gee, thanks, bossman,” Lenni grumbles.
“You know he means it affectionately when he calls you annoying,” I soothe. Jackson will never admit it, but he has a soft spot for my friend simply because she’s my friend and makes me happy.
“Wonder what he’s so worked up over?” she muses, grabbing another glass of champagne from a passing server.
“You told his ex that you two are engaged. I would assume that’s probably it.”
“How doyouknow that?”
“Because unlike you, who only told me you had a random hook-up outside the club,hehas been recounting every detail of your encounter to Jackson daily. Except for your name, Jackson would have known it was you immediately. Good luck with that—you got yourself in a pickle.”
My eyes drift to Jackson, who is watching me intently as Tripp rattles on next to him at the bar. We share a smile, and he discreetly nods his head toward the back of the room and walks away from Tripp without so much as a goodbye.
“What pickle? Why is there a pickle? Ginny, look at me and tell me about the pickle!” Lenni pokes my arm to get my attention.
“Go talk to Tripp. I’ll find you in a little bit.” I don’t giveher a chance to say anything else as I begin to make my way through the crowd to where Jackson is headed toward the giant windows that line the space, overlooking the bright lights of the city.