Page 107 of Burn With Me
“Please, don’t leave me,” I whisper.
But he does.
And I feel like he takes a part of my soul with him.
The last time I felt like this about a woman wasnever. My heart pounds in my chest like a judge with a gavel.
We find the defendantguilty.
His crime? Being a lovesick fool.
I was never going to be enough for her. It was stupid to think that she’d willingly give up the only thing that got her through her childhood trauma. I feel like I made a mistake walking out on her like I did.
Will she break again?
Will this set back her healing?
Did I ruin everything?
I have Robert drive me around the city, waiting another hour and a half before going back to my penthouse—spending the time trying to figure out how to move forward from here—giving her time to decide if she’s staying at her place or mine. Because if she goes to mine, I don’t know if I can look at her right now and not get angry.
By the time I get home, I’ve cooled down, and since I haven’t heard from her, I expect she decided to go to her place.
But my heart jumps when I see the soft glow of the bedside lamp as soon as I step out of the elevator.
She came home.
Climbing the stairs slowly, I see her curled up on her side, P-Kitty snuggled into her like a little spoon. Her face is splotchy—eyes rimmed with red. It’s obvious she’s been crying, even though it looks like she’s washed her face to try and hide the evidence.
“Hey,” she says softly. “Where have you been? I thought you’d be here when I got back.”
“Lost track of time.” I’m emotionally exhausted and still smell like her stranger, so I head to the bathroom to rinse off. “Are you okay? You look like you’ve been crying.”
“Lenni and I got into a stupid fight.” The lie rolls off her tongue, bitter and flat. I wonder how long she took to come up with it.
“I’m sorry.” My tone matches hers as I disappear into the shower and turn the water on. I discard my clothes quickly, stepping under the warm spray and reaching for my body wash. The quicker I get rid of the cologne I use at the club, the better.
Once I’m sure I’ve washed it away, I stand under the middle of the multiple shower heads, letting the steam engulf me because I don’t know how to face Ginny.
I’m angry. My heart feels like it’s been ripped from my chest. Yet, at the same time, how can I blame her?
All of this could have just been avoided if I’d just told her the truth when I started to catch fucking feelings.
“Hey, want some company?” Her voice echoes off the granite walls, and my hand shoots out to turn the water off.
Turning, I see her standing with the door open, naked. “No, I’m done. I’m too tired tonight, Gin. I’m gonna go to bed.”
I open the door wider, grabbing a towel to wrap around my waist as she steps back.
“Are you mad at me?” she asks in a small voice, arms wrapping around herself insecurely.
Grabbing my robe from the back of the door, I wrap her in it before kissing her forehead. “No, I’m not mad at you. I’m just tired.”
She doesn’t say anything else as I move to the vanity to brush my teeth. By the time I walk back into the bedroom, she’s put her nightdress back on and is lying on her side, away from me, with the lights off.
“Goodnight,” I tell her as I get into the bed, mirroring her position.