Page 151 of Wicked Little Secret
“What do you think you were about to do, Veronica?” I snarl in her face, savoring the desperate gasps for air she gives. The way she squirms and drags her nails into my flesh. “Did you think you were going to hurt Nyssa? How dare you!”
The harder she tries to fight, the tighter I clench her throat. The more her lungs give out, losing air.
I can’t bring myself to let go. I’ve fallen prey to the dark impulse that drives me to continue, to eliminate a problem that’s only grown more threatening over time. If Veronica lives, she won’t stop. She won’t give up on our failed relationship.
She’ll try again.
She always has.
This is not just for myself. This is forNyssa.
Like everything I do has begun to be for her.
Veronica’s fight fades as the seconds go on and she depletes what’s left of her energy. Soon she’s merely squirming, and then her eyelids are growing heavy. She loses consciousness for what may be the last time.
I let go and step back, allowing her to slump to the floor.
It’s then that the present moment returns. That I’m suddenly aware of the fact that I’m not alone in the room.
Nyssa’s still on the bed, chained to the iron frame, gaping like she’s never seen me before. But the look on her face reads more ambiguous than anything. As if, once again, she’s conflicted over how to feel.
She’s at war with herself.
“I had no idea she’d show up,” I say, half breathless from the physical force I’ve used. I gesture to Veronica’sunconscious body. “She must’ve been following me or keeping tabs.”
Nyssa blinks and opens and closes her mouth a few more times. “She… she told me she’s been sabotaging us. She’s the one who broke my sculpture and the potted plant outside my door. She took photos of us together. She told Heather about the library. It was her who called the police the night you and Samson fought.”
“That… that fills a lot of holes left. I suppose she’s the one who’s spread rumors to the dean.”
“Is she… dead?”
“Just about.” I kneel beside her and check her weak pulse. Then I glance up at Nyssa. “You understand why I’ve done what I have, don’t you? She was about to hurt you. She wouldn’t have gone away. She’d try again.”
“What are you going to do?”
I pause for another second. “I have to get rid of her. There’s no choice now.”
“Theron,” she whispers with a shake of her head. “Please let me go.”
“Soon. Very soon. But now this has come up. I’ll return once it’s handled.”
Grabbing Veronica by the ankles, I drag her toward the other end of the room. Luckily, I still have the large trunk I’d borrowed from Nyssa the night I dumped Samson Wicker’s body. If it fit an oaf of his size, it’ll easily fit Veronica.
I sigh as I head out to my car to grab the trunk. “The things I do for love. Perhaps I am insane.”
It’s late into the night before I’m done in the forest surrounding the school grounds. I toss the shovel in theback of my BMW and run a hand through my already slick hair. Veronica’s joined the collection of others buried in the forest and won’t be posing any issues in the future. I’ll have to work at making up a story for her sudden disappearance.
Perhaps she ran off to Europe with some boy-toy type.
It’s on my mind during my entire drive home, where I shower and dress in what’s become a uniform of mine over the years—a white button down shirt and dark gray slacks.
Nyssa’s been alone for hours and I intend on making up for it. Besides, there’s still several matters we need to address and get to the bottom of.
I still owe her so many truths. So many things I have to tell her to convince her I’m not the man she thinks I am.
Sure, it seems incriminating from her point of view. No less than a couple hours ago, I strangled someone before her eyes. I’ve kept her captive. I’m sure from her perspective, I seem insane and dangerous.
She deserves to learn the truth. But she also must pay for some of the little antics she pulled. Including trying to manipulate me earlier.