Page 29 of Collaring Cinderella
“I know someone who might be able to help,” Dad said, motioning for me to follow him.
I went down the path, surprised by the sudden strength he was exhibiting as we walked a short way to another cottage. I remembered this one, and I had fond memories of the woman inside.
Dad knocked on the door, and a few moments later, an attractive, slightly older woman, opened it.
And then slammed it in our faces.
“Edna!” Dad called out. “Please. This is about Rafe.”
I watched, astonished, as the door opened again, and Edna peeked out, smiling wide when she saw me. She’d always loved me, had been spoiling me since I was a little boy. Since my own mother was always absent, Edna had taken on her role, and I always saw her as a mother figure. It had been years since she’d worked for us, but I’d made sure to give her a place to live and a generous pension to live on for the rest of her life. And after all, she was barely fifty—she had plenty of time to do whatever she missed out on when I was a kid.
“You better come in,” she finally said, letting us pass through.
Her house was tidy and adorable, and it made me grin with fond memories. I missed Edna, and I’d been a dick for not visiting her often enough. She’d made my childhood beautiful despite the lack of a mother and a father who was always away on business. I just didn’t understand what had caused her to shut the door in my dad’s face when she saw him on her doorstep. He had paid her to work for him for so many years… There was obviously a hidden grudge there, but I didn’t want to pry just yet.
“Is this about Ella?” Edna asked, giving me a knowing look.
“How did you know?” I asked, coming closer to give her a tight hug that she happily returned.
“I knew right away,” she said simply. “The second she said she’d met someone… The way her eyes sparkled. I knew it was the right person, and I knew it was you, even though she didn’t tell me.”
We exchanged a little smile before I stepped closer, desperately looking into her eyes.
“I need to find her,” I said. “I don’t know where she is… she left the ball in a hurry, and I’m worried.”
“She’s leaving,” Edna told me. “Leaving town. She’s going to catch the bus.”
“Now?” I asked, feeling panic settle in. “Bus to where?”
“She didn’t tell me,” Edna said. “But it’s one of the late-night ones.”
“I have to go,” I replied breathlessly, rushing to the door.
Only a moment later, I remembered my father, and turned around calling out, “Dad?”
I seemed to have interrupted something. Dad and Edna were standing there, something between them passing without either of them saying a word. I understood then, finally understood what was taking place in front of me.
“Never mind,” I grinned. “I’ll see you soon. Behave.”
Dad smiled at me as I made my way out of the little cottage, giving instructions to the driver and settling back in my seat as we raced towards the bus station.
I needed to get there in time. I needed to make sure she knew how I felt… And even if she turned me down, I had to tell her what Martha had fed her were lies, I truly loved her, and I would do anything to keep her, make her mine completely. Whether she accepted it or not, I was going to spend the rest of my life convincing her of my love and devotion.
We pulled up in front of the bus station what felt like hours later, but couldn’t have been longer than twenty minutes. I opened the door while the car was still moving, practically throwing myself out and racing towards the station.
“Hey, hey, where are you going?” a man wearing a security vest stopped me. “Do you have a ticket?”
I grabbed him by the vest and pulled him closer.
“I will buy every fucking ticket available,” I snarled at him. “I will pay you whatever the fuck you want. Just help me find her.”
“F-Find who?” he stammered. “Sir, you have to calm down… Tell me who you’re looking for.”
“A girl,” I said desperately. “A woman. Blonde, petite, gorgeous. Ella Monroe. She… she’s beautiful. She’s gorgeous, you wouldn’t be able to forget her. Did you see her? Did you fucking see her?”
“For the love of God, calm down,” the man said, trying to force himself out of my grasp. But I was holding on too tight, desperate to know what had happened. “I will help you, just let me go… We’ll find her together.”
Reluctantly, I let him go, and he coughed and sputtered as his feet hit the ground once again.
“I saw a girl like that,” he finally managed to say.