Page 63 of Run to Me
See, it turns out that my girl is into some really kinky shit, and I learned that when I came home the other day to find her reading a book about a girl being fucked in both holes by two men. Obviously, I distracted her from the book and pounded her into the mattress until she couldn’t even remember her own name, never mind what she was reading.
Seeing as Robyn likes reading that shit, I’m determined to give her what she wants. Of course, I’d never dream of sharing her, if it’s a cock in both holes she wants, then that’s what she gets. At first, I was planning on just using a run of the mill dildo with her, but then I realized that if she’s going to take a dick at the same time as mine, then it’s sure as fuck gonna be mine, even if it is made from silicone.
Which is why I’m currently sat at the dining room table in the middle of the day while my girl's at work, staring at a replica of my dick and the eight barbells that I need to put into it. I didn’t realize when I did the first mold that the piercings wouldn’t come out right, which is why I did it for a second time and now I’ve gotta sit and figure out how to actually pierce the fake dick to make it look and feel like my own.
Jesus fucking Christ.
I use a pen to map out where I want the piercings to be and I’m just pushing the needle through the first one when I hear the door open. I frown and check the time, noticing it’s far too early for Robyn to be coming home, and that one of her guards would have notified me that she was on her way.
“Angel?” I call out and frantically look around to see where I can hide my fake dick.
“It’s us,” Luca replies, and I turn to see him and Marco stroll into the room.
They both freeze when they see me sat at the table fiddling with a dildo since I didn’t have time to put it away. I sigh, going back to what I was doing before they so rudely interrupted.
“What are you both doing here?”
“Uhh, I needed to tell you something, so we figured we’d stop by on our way back from a meeting. The more important question is, what the fuck are you doing?” Luca says and I send him a glare as I thread the first barbell through.
“What do you need to tell me?”
“Nope. You’re not just gonna sit there and ignore the fact that you’re… piercing a plastic dick. Luca’s news can fucking wait until you’ve explained this shit,” Marco says and waves towards my hands.
Luca sits down opposite me, eyes fixated on what I’m doing while Marco stands off to the side, looking uncomfortable as fuck.
I sigh. “Well, you see… turns out my girl likes reading some really spicy shit, so when I learned she likes reading about double penetration, I figured I’d find a way to give her it.” I wave the replica of my dick in the air. “But I didn’t take into account that the piercings would be complicated as hell, and I couldn’t exactly take it into a shop and get them to do it for me without them thinking I’ve lost it, which is why I’m tryna do it myself.”
“But… why does it need all the piercings?” Marco asks, while Luca sits with a smirk on his face.
“It’s a replica of my cock, Marco. It wouldn’t be a very good replica if it didn’t have them now, would it?”
“You… you have a dick piercing?” he splutters and Luca chuckles.
“No,” I say with a smirk. “I have eight.”
Marco blanches and I huff out a breath.
“No need to act so fucking scandalized, little brother. It’s perfectly normal, just because you’re too much of a pussy to even get a tattoo doesn’t mean the rest of us can’t have a little fun. I wonder if Izzy would like it if I got mine done,” Luca ponders and I nod at him, always one to encourage the dick jewelry.
“Assholes,” Marco mutters. “And I do have a tattoo, fuck you both very much.”
“What?” I say at the same time Luca asks, “Since when?”
“I got it when I was twenty, and that’s all you need to know. Now why don’t you tell Enzo your news so we can get the fuck out of here and leave Enzo to play with his dick.”
I’m gonna take a wild guess and say his tattoo is something to remind him of the O’Brien girl, like the wings on my back are for Robyn.
“Right. How do you feel about coming to the island next month with us all? Obviously, you’d bring Robyn.”
Huh. I guess it only takes twenty-two years and one wife/ ex-wife for us to visit the island that reminds my dad and brothers of the mom I killed when I was born.
“Sure, any particular reason?”
“I’m getting married,” Luca says with a grin while Marco rolls his eyes.
I bark out a laugh. “Finally getting promoted again, huh?”
“Shut up,” he grumbles. “Just tell me you’ll come so we can leave you to play with your cock.” He nods towards my pretty replica again.