Page 42 of Run to Me
I’m speechless.
He hadn’t even met me yet and he got a tattoo dedicated to me. I think I’m starting to realize that Enzo really does have feelings for me, he just doesn’t know what they mean or how to navigate them, which is why he went about it all the wrong way.
“Don’t worry, angel, you don’t need to say anything.” Enzo smirks. “You’re back at work tomorrow, better get that pretty little ass of yours to bed.”
He has a point. We’ve been talking for hours and it's already past midnight. I nod silently, not trusting myself to say anything right now and pull my legs away from him before rising from the sofa.
Enzo stands too and presses a hand to my lower back, guiding me to my room. He stops just outside the threshold of the door and leans down. At first, I think he might kiss me, but instead he presses a kiss to my cheek and whispers, “Goodnight,uccellina.”His warm breath against my neck sends a shiver up my spine and has my body tingling.
“Goodnight,” I whisper back, but he’s already walking away, my voice too quiet to be heard.
Chapter Eighteen
“Who the fuck are they?” I ask Alec as I sit across from him in his office.
My dad and Marco, along with Alec have been busting their asses trying to figure out who the Blue Vipers are and—as much as any of us hates to admit it—coming up with nothing.
The little fuckers have proven to be surprisingly sneaky. Dad has been speaking to the other organization leaders to see what they know and so far, he hasn’t gained much information. Marco has been working with the men we have on the streets, instructing them to find out as much as they can, but that’s slow moving, and we haven’t heard much while Alec has been doing whatever the fuck he does on his laptop.
“I’ve asked around on my site and it seems there’s been whispers online from them, wanting to set something up with someone in Chicago now that their deal has fallen through with Bianchi. No one seems to know who they are, where they came from or where they’re based. They’re some sneaky little fuckers, but it sounds as though they’re growing, which is a good thing. The bigger they get, the more likely someone is to fuck up, and the quicker we can find them.”
Makes sense, though I don’t like the fact that we might have to wait for them to get bigger. The bigger they get, the more risk of something happening to Robyn, and that’s just not fucking okay. I also don’t like how they’re still trying to secure a deal in Chicago. Our family has found out quite a lot recently, like the fact that Izzy’s dad—Antonio Bianchi and the previous Don of the Chicago outfit—was moving into the flesh trade before he was killed by my father for kidnapping Izzy. The rest of my family also found out about Alec’s little side project, FreeThem. I knew he was up to something for a while and knew that it had something to do with stopping trafficking.
What I didn’t know was that his very public, very successful security company was basically a front for a mercenary group working to eradicate human trafficking. The biggest shock of all was that it turns out he and Izzy have been working together basically since the beginning, unbeknownst to him since she kept her identity hidden.
So yeah, fucking weird.
“I just need them gone. The sooner we get rid of them, the sooner Robyn will be safe, and I can fucking relax,” I grunt.
“This girl really has your balls in a twist, doesn’t she?” He grins.
Understatement of the century.
I roll my eyes. “Shut the fuck up, you’ll be the same one day when you meet your girl.”
Alec bursts out into laughter, actually folding over where he’s sat and clutching his stomach as tears roll down his face.
“Fuck,” he gasps. “You Romano boys are fucking hilarious. It’s like a motherfucking pandemic. I’ll have Marco in here next, waxing poetic about his woman when he inevitably falls next.”
I smirk, knowing full well that that’ll only happen if he pulls his head out his ass and revisits his past. Before I can reply, my phone starts buzzing in my pocket and I pull it out, seeing my dad’s name on the screen.
“Yeah?” I answer.
“Marco’s on his way to meet you. You’re both meeting with O’Brien, he has some information for you.”
Marco and I walk side by side into the warehouse. Finn O’Brien is one ballsy little fucker for opting to meet us at one of the warehouses we use to torture our enemies. We know he’s already inside since we got an alert the second he stepped onto our property.
As we walk inside the main room, one of the guards cants his head to the side, indicating that Finn’s already in the back room, the only room with actual furniture for us to sit down and have this meeting. I share a look with Marco before we make our waythrough, entering the room to find him seated on the sofa in the corner rather than the desk.
Guess we’re not going for formality in this meeting then.
My brother and I take a seat on the sofa opposite him and remain silent, waiting for him to start. I’d love nothing more than to tie him up to one of the beams in the main room and pull whatever information he has out of him as I peel the skin from his body, but that would upset the city’s balance and I don’t think Dad would be too happy if I were to go awol right now.