Page 2 of Run to Me
What can I say? I like the thrill, and sometimes the screams are just too fucking exciting for me to pass up on. I fucking thrive on them.
“Dude, are you fucking listening to me?”
“Uh… sorry. What?” I ask as Jax throws his hands up in exasperation.
“I was saying that this place is no fucking competition. It’s too small. The drinks are too expensive for what they are. It’s fucking nothing compared to Arcane.” He flashes me a smug grin and I roll my eyes.
“No place compares to Arcane according to you. Maybe we should…” my voice trails off as an apparition appears in the middle of the bar.
I don’t know if I’m fucking hallucinating or what, but a fucking angel has just appeared in the middle of the bar.
Everything around me fades away as I stare at the girl stood waiting to be served. Her long brown hair cascades down her shoulders. Her pouty lips are tipped up in a smile as she listens to whatever the girl next to her is saying.
Fuck, she’s a goddamn masterpiece wearing a modest white dress that molds to her perfect body. The dress isn’t something you would usually see being worn in a place like this. Usually, girls tend to wear scraps of material that barely cover their bodies. But my angel is fully covered, leaving everything to the imagination while also looking sexy as fucking sin. I want to storm over there, throw her over my shoulder, take her home and worship her.
My cock grows hard as I continue to stare at the image my mind has conjured up in front of me.
I must have finally lost my mind. Yes, normally the destruction inside me corrupts my every thought, but now my mind is playing tricks on me. I’ve created a breathtakingly gorgeous woman up in my mind and destruction is nowhere to be found.
Great, I’ve gone fucking insane.
I watch as the bartender places two shots of tequila in front of both of the girls and she takes the shot, her throat bobbing as she swallows, and I want to bite down on that neck and mark her as my own.
Hang on a fucking minute—if the bartender sees her, then surely, I’m not making this shit up, right?
“Do you see that?” I gesture towards my angel.
“See what?” Jax asks.
“There,” I bark as I point at her, “the angel at the bar, that’s not in my mind, right?”
“The girl in the white dress? What about her? How much have you had to drink, man? You sound crazier than usual,” he asks with furrowed brows.
Holy fuck, he sees her.
She’s fucking real.
My head swivels back towards her just in time to see her disappearing through the crowd and I don’t think as I jump up to follow her, ignoring Jax as he shouts after me asking me where I’m going.
I make my way through the small crowd in the direction I saw her walking, realizing she was heading towards the exit. But once I finally shove my way through the throngs of people, she’s nowhere to be seen. I make it to the exit and rush outside, I look up and down the street, but she’s gone.
She’s fucking gone. And just like that, the calm I felt in the absence of the chaos is gone too.
I squeeze my eyes shut, silently telling myself that she wasn’t just a part of my imagination and that there must be a way to track her down before letting out a deep breath and heading back inside the club.
I make it back to the bar and sit my ass back down beside Jax as he stares at me in part confusion, part concern. I’m not sure what the fuck he’s looking at me like that for, we’ve known each other for years, he should know that I’m not fucking normal by now.
I flag down the bartender and order a shot of tequila, knowing that if I can’t see my angel tonight, at least I can taste the same thing she did before she disappeared from my orbit.
“You hate tequila,” Jax states with a look of bewilderment.
“Not anymore,” I grunt as I sling the shot back and lick my lips.
I don’t know who the hell that girl is, but she’s too fucking precious for this fucked up world.
When I find her again—and I will fucking find her—I’ll protect her at all costs, even if that means protecting her from myself.
Chapter One