Page 13 of Run to Me
This is just something that needs to be done.
Before I know it, I’m pulling up outside the warehouse and I waste no time at all jumping out of the car and making my way inside.
This warehouse isn’t typically used by my family, this is one that’s designated just for me.
My own playhouse.
I enter the main room and the sight that greets me lights up my fucking insides like nothing else.
Tied to the cross in front of me is a sobbing Gary Parker. The man who thought he could spend an evening wining and dining my fucking angel before stealing something from her that wasn’t his to take.
Stealing something from me.
When I realized that Robyn was having dinner at Di Nuovo—a restaurant owned by my family—and that she was there on a date, I made sure I put extra precautions in place.
Like making sure we had extra men dotted around inside in case anything was to happen, since my family is still technically at war with the Columbians, and it wasn’t that long ago that the place was shot up while Luca and Izzy were there on their first date.
At least it was a memorable first date.
I also made sure to swap out the drivers of the cabs out front. Probably overkill to kick the drivers to the curb and replace each one of them with one of my men, but it’s also the reason I’m able to have this little fucker in front of me so quickly so I don’t really givea fuck.
I barely spare the asshole a glance before walking over to the table that houses a tray of instruments for me to use and it takes no time at all for me to pick out what I want to use.
I grab one of my favorite items—an object that looks like a spoon, except this particular custom-made spoon is sharp rather than smooth—and make my way over to him.
One look at his chinos and I can tell he’s already pissed himself from whatever was done to get him in here and I let out a chuckle.
“Do you know why you’re here?”
He doesn’t answer, just continues to sob his little heart out.
“No? No ideas at all?” I huff out a breath and make a tsk-ing noise before continuing, “You’re here because you had the nerve to touch something that doesn’t belong to you. You talked to her, sat next to her, shared a meal with her, and then had the fucking balls to press your lips to hers and kiss her,” I say, my tone calm but deadly, even though I’m anything but fucking calm.
I can feel the monster bubbling up inside me, demanding chaos. Demanding its piece of flesh for having to witness watching this little prick play nice with my girl over the security feed all night. For having to watch as he had the audacity to steal a kiss from my angel.
“Wh-who?” the fucker asks like he doesn’t already know.
“Who? Fucking who?” I growl and slowly close in on him until I’m standing right in front of him.
“My angel, of course. Myuccellina.” I refuse to say her name out loud. Her name has no business being spoken in a place like this, she’s far too pure for that.
I bend down and slide the knife I keep in my boot for safe keeping out if its holder and bring it up to his face, slowly caressing his cheek with the blade.
“You made a mistake tonight, and you’ll pay for it in body parts,” I whisper.
His face contorts and he shakes uncontrollably.
Fucking pussy. I haven’t even gotten started yet.
“I didn’t… I didn’t know, man… I’m sorry,” he cries, and I grin manically at him which makes him visibly flinch.
“Too late for that, I’m afraid. It’s already done.”
I bring the knife over to his hand and carefully press against his fingers that are spread out against the wood of the cross before increasing the pressure and bringing my arm down, slicing off four fingers in one move.
“That was for when you pressed your hand to the small of her back and guided her into her seat,” I growl and his whimpers fill the air, feeding the beast inside me.
I lick my lips as I practically taste the fear that’s wafting from him.