Page 7 of Vow to Me
Great, I’ve married a sociopath.
Marcello’s and Lucians screams fill the room as she tucks the gun back in her pocket while I stand and stare at her, unable to comprehend what the fuck is happening.
“You have three cars upstairs and plenty of guards, I’ll have someone take me to your penthouse, my feet are killing meafter being in heels all day. I’ll see you at home, darling,” she says, smiling at me as she walks towards the stairs.
“Oh, and please call me Izzy. Isabella just seems so… impersonal, you’re my husband now after all. Enjoy playing with them.” She smirks before gracefully walking away.
And then I’m staring at her retreating form, wondering what in the goddamn hell just happened, and wondering who the fuck I married. She’s right about one thing though, she’s certainly no princess, she’s a fucking queen. Psychotic, but a motherfucking queen, nonetheless.
Chapter Six
As soon as I left the cabin, I called an urgent meeting with Dad, Marco and Enzo. So here I am, sat facing my father at his desk at eleven o’clock at night—my wedding night, no less. And to think I was worried aboutIzzywanting to consummate the marriage tonight.
“If you’re here to complain about the marriage you’re too fucking late Luca, not sure if you noticed earlier today when you stood at the altar, but you’re already married,” my dad says sternly while giving me look that says he wants to throttle me.
Sighing, I decide to just lay it all out there. “Marcello Amate is our rat, his sons racked up a debt with Muñoz and therefore in exchange for writing off their debt, Marcello has been giving the Colombians information on all our dealings and our whereabouts. Angelo is now dead. Marcello and Lucian are tied up in the basement of a cabin an hour's drive from here.”
“How the fuck did you do all of this while also getting married? You left your wedding reception three hours ago! And how the fuck did you figure out it was the Amate’s?” he asks, dumbfounded.
I grind my jaw and explain how my pretty little wife isn’t so innocent after all. After she left the cabin, I interrogated Marcello into telling me exactly what he’d been telling Muñoz, and also how he ended up in the basement. Turns out my wife has some skills, considering she took down all three of them, tied them up and managed to get them into the back of a fucking rental, before driving them to the cabin, dragging them down to the basement and tying them up. Without help.
When she first told me what she did I was convinced she had to have had help, turns out she did not. She even told them she’d kept them awake so that they knew she was alone, and that they’d been caught and taken down by a little woman. It’s a good tactic on her part, feeding into their views of misogyny, bet that hurt their fragile egos. She’s a fucking spitfire that one.
“So, what? You just killed Angelo in front of her? Please don’t tell me you ruined her wedding dress; she’ll likely tie you up in a basement like she did with them,” Marco says, making me realize I skimped out on that detail.
“Oh no, I forgot to mention that part. My sociopathic wife whipped a Glock out of a pocket in her wedding dress, shot him between the eyes and then insisted I call herIzzybefore walking away as if the whole thing never happened,” I say dryly.
Once I’m finished, I’m left with Dad, Marco and Enzo all staring at me, slack jawed and fucking incredulous that my wildcat wife managed to hold three grown men hostage, and not only that, but find the rats we’ve been trying to find for the past three months,in a few days, no lessandkill a man without any hesitation. The whole thing is surreal, absurd, it’s utterly fucking ridiculous.
Enzo is first to recover, breaking out into hysterical laughter, with tears streaming down his face while Marco snickers next to him, and my father just sighs and gazes up to the ceiling. I’m waiting to see his reaction the most, who the fuck knows how he’ll react, it could go one of a few ways.
Finally, he looks at me, right in the eye. “I’ll leave you boys to take care of them, and keep that woman close, Luca. Not because we shouldn’t trust her, but because we need to earn her trust. Having her on our side can only lead to good things. Oh, and be prepared, because you’re fucked, son,” he states with a smug grin.
“Prepared for what?”
“Be prepared to fall in love with her,” he says as if it’s obvious. “It won’t take long. You can only hope she ends up loving you in return.”
Well, fuck.
That was an unexpected turn of events. I half expected Dad to warn me to be careful, not to trust her, to keep an eye on her. Not fucking tell me to be prepared to fall in love. I don’t even fucking know what love feels like, I’m pretty sure I’m not capable of it, but I just give him a nod to appease him before turning around and walking my ass straight out the door, both my brothers hot on myheels.
I’m tired as fuck, and all I want to do is go home to bed, but Izzy’s now at my apartment, and who the fuck knows what she’s doing, and I really do not want to get into anything with her tonight. The woman is kind of scary, I get the feeling she’d happily chop my balls off and feed them to me if I pissed her off enough.
We decided to deal with the Amate’s tonight, figuring it would look better to our men if we dealt with the situation straight away, and me being the one to do it on my wedding night shows I’m not fucking around when it comes to thefamiglia.So, we made a plan for me to deal with Marcello, and I left Lucian for my brothers to fight over. Marco, of course, was indifferent, choosing to let Enzo deal with him just to shut him up.
Before I left the cabin to meet my family, I instructed my men to move Marcello and Lucian to one of our warehouses in the city and to dispose of Angelo, which of course they did without hesitation, even though they must be wondering why, considering we kept a tight lid on the fact that we had a rat.
So here we are, in the middle of the warehouse, with bothstronzosstung up to the metal barred wall, with thirty of our men standing on the sidelines. We invited some of our men so they can witness their deaths and get word around about what happens if you go against us, we can’t have them thinking they can double cross us and get away with it.
I’m going first, so I take a step towards Marcello.
“Was it worth it? You know you’re about to die, was it worth betraying your family?” I sneer. He stays still, his features set instone, but I can see the flicker of fear in his eyes and like hell if I don’t thrive on it.
“I did what I did, Luca. Let’s just get this over with, surely you want to get home to your newputtana.”
Rage simmers up inside me, how fucking dare he call my wife a whore? But I give him a nod, and while he tries to stay nonchalant, I see his shoulders drop slightly in relief, probably thinking I’ll just shoot him to hurry this show up.