Page 37 of Vow to Me
I keep whispering to her, telling her I need her to wake up but it’s no fucking use. I feel helpless, there’s nothing I can do but wait. Trust me, I asked the doctor.
I stand up and pace around the room, muttering to myself as I hear her voice.
“My head is fucking killing me.” My head snaps towards her, and the relief I feel to see her staring back at me is like nothing I’ve ever known.
“Iz? Are you okay? How do you feel?” I rush towards her, and of course, the stubborn as fuck woman that she is tries to sit up. “Lay the fuck back down, woman. You’re not going anywhere.”
“Fuck, sis, you cared the shit outta me,” Enzo says and presses the call button to alert the doctor she’s awake.
I take Izzy’s hand and bring it to my lips, pressing a tender kiss to her knuckles while they both recall what they remember from the attack. Honestly, I’d rather not fucking hear the details—because I hate the fact that she got hurt—but I need the details if I’m going to find the asshole that dared to hurt my wife and brother.
Enzo leaves to update Marco and our dad, finally giving me some alone time with my wife.
“Fuck, Izzy, I’ve never been as fucking scared as I was when we got that phone call, you’re not getting out of my sight for the foreseeable future.” I lean down and press a kiss to her forehead and her lashes flutter. Even banged up and bruised, she’s still the most beautiful woman I’ve ever seen.
“I’m fine, Luca. I’m right here, and I’m not going anywhere.”
“Damn fucking right you’re not, I’m gonna speak to my father at some point later today, I want to take you way for a couple of weeks. Give you a honeymoon and give us both a break from all the chaos. What do you think?” I ask, and I’m suddenly nervous.
Will she want to go away? Does she even still want to stay married after what happened? My life put her in danger so it wouldn’t be a surprise if she didn’t.
“You should know by now that I’d follow you anywhere,” she says with a sweet smile, and I give her one in return before I press my lips to hers in a light kiss, I pull back after a couple of seconds. I don’t want to hurt her further.
Three days. Three fucking days we’ve been stuck here in this hospital. The doctor checked Izzy over and declared she did, in fact, have a concussion and insisted on her staying here under observation. Izzy argued that it was unnecessary, but I put my foot down. I wasn’t fucking risking anything happening to her if she left the hospital before advised.
I spoke to my father-in-law and told him what had happened, he thanked me for letting him know and hung up on me without even asking if his daughter was okay, asshole.
Marco has been busy tracking down the fucker who set up the explosive, he asked Alec for help hacking the security cameras around the area and they found footage of a man fucking with the car while Izzy and Enzo were in the bookstore. Enzo and Marco managed to find him and currently have him waiting on ice for me in one of our warehouses.
I also spoke to Dad about getting Izzy away from the city for a while once she’s recovered. While it may not be the best timinggiven the circumstances, he agreed that I should take her away and even offered us the island he bought for my mother before she passed. He and Marco will take over my responsibilities while I’m gone and keep me updated on everything that’s happening back home.
I haven’t left the hospital once while Izzy’s been admitted, like fuck am I leaving her side. I had Tomasso bring me some clothes to change into and everything Izzy needed from the apartment rather than me having to go home.
We're currently getting ready to go home, the doctor finally gave Izzy the all clear and gave me instructions to keep a close eye on her.
Close eye on her? Not a fucking problem. I’m not letting her out of my sight.
“I’m going to change in the bathroom, don’t fucking follow me Luca, it’s time I start doing shit for myself without you hovering.” I go to tell her that I’ll help her anyways, but she carries on talking before I can. “You heard the doc, I’m fine.” She huffs before standing and gathering her clothes.
Fucking stubborn woman.
“For fuck’s sake, fine. But I’ll be right outside the door if you need me,” I say and plead with her with my eyes not to argue and she sighs but nods in agreement.
“Can I use your phone? I need to arrange a team to follow us home and mine is dead,” I ask.
She unlocks her phone and hands it to me before retreating into the bathroom. I call Tomasso and arrange for three cars to escortus home, I’m not taking any fucking chances of an ambush on the way home. We still don’t know the reason behind the attack, the man we have in the warehouse was hired by someone, and we won’t know who hired him until I go over there and torture it out of him.
I hang up the phone call just as a text comes in. My brow furrows when I see it’s an unknown number and I click on it to see the message.
I miss you, little one.
Who the fuck is this asshole and why the fuck is he telling my wife that he misses her? I trust Izzy with my life, I know she would never go behind my back. It’s probably someone from her old life in Chicago. Rage bubbles up inside me at the thought of one of her past lovers telling her he misses her. Fuck that, she’s fucking mine. I swipe and delete the text from her inbox before locking the phone and leaving it on the bed for her and gathering the rest of our things.
I’m ready to get the fuck out of here and get my girl home where she belongs.
Chapter Thirty