Page 30 of Vow to Me
I’m barely conscious when I approach him and beat the living shit out of him, or when I finally see the light go out in his eyes, the rage inside me is like anything I’ve ever known, so strong andso fucking fierce that I’m numb as I set his house up to look like a break-in and it isn’t until I’m making the drive back to the city that I start to feel like I’m coming back to myself again.
Fuck, that was bad. I’ve had bouts of rage before. Usually when someone in my family gets injured or attacked, but I haveneverblacked out before like I did tonight.
Christ, this love thing really messes with your head.
My ringtone fills the car as Izzy’s contact pops up on the dash, which is unusual as she normally prefers to keep our communication to texts. Immediately on high alert, I accept the call.
“Izzy? Are you okay?”
“I’m fine, just wondering where you keep your first aid kit,” she says casually, as if she didn’t just send my panic from five to fifty with a few words. I can hear her moving around the room in the background, what the fuck is happening?
“Why? What’s wrong? Why do you need a first aid kit? Should I send a doctor? I’m on my way home but it’ll take me thirty minutes to get there. Should I send Marco over? I’ll call Marco now, he can—”
“Jesus, Luca! Calm the fuck down. I’m fine, I just needed some aspirin, I couldn’t find any and remembered there were some in the first aid kit you used to clean up my arm,” she says before mumbling something that sounds a lot likeoverprotective and psychounder her breath.
“Why do you need aspirin? Are you okay?” I say, still worried.
“I’m fine, I got my period and I’ve got cramps, okay? You can stop your worrying, if you’re like this every month it happens,you’ll have a fucking heart attack, Luca,” she says in a sexy as fuck assertive tone and I begin to breathe again. Jesus, I’ve never been so fucking protective over a woman before. Then again, I’ve never known a woman like my wife before, she’s in a fucking league of her own.
I let out a sigh of relief before telling her where she can find the first aid kit and I can hear her rummaging around in what I assume is the cupboard under the sink in the main bathroom.
“I’ve got it, thank you.”
“Do you need me to get you anything else? I can make a stop on my way home,” I say, I want to help her, but I have no fucking idea how, this is so far out of my fucking comfort zone. I’ve never had to deal with a woman on her period before, why would I?
“I’m good, Luca. But thank you, I’m just gonna chill on the couch and watch some tv. I’ll see you soon,” she says and ends the call, leaving me apprehensive as fuck. Don’t women cry and get all moody when they’re on their period?
My wife is slightly psychopathic and stabby on a normal day, so who the fuck knows what she’s like when she’s hormonal. She can be fucking crazy sometimes, but she wouldn’t be herself if she wasn’t.
Iended up stopping at a store on my way home and stocking up on snacks, chocolate and ice cream for Izzy, as well as a whole selection of sanitary towels and tampons. According to a quickgoogle search, these are must-have’s for when a woman is on her period. The poor old woman in the store picked up on what I was doing after hearing me curse to myself for the third time and took pity on me, helping me gather a selection on items that will “make her feel better”.
According to google, orgasms help too. Though I’m not sure whether to test that theory, the last thing I want is for Izzy to think I only want her for her body. Yes, her body is fucking amazing and sex with her is like nothing I’ve ever felt before, but I want more than that, I want more of her, I want fucking everything she’ll give me.
I’m making it my mission to capture her mind, body, heart and soul, just like she has captured mine.
I enter the apartment and find Izzy fast asleep on the couch, bundled beneath a blanket. My sleeping angel doesn’t even stir as I slide my arms beneath her and pick her up. I carry her into the bedroom and place her on the bed, pressing a quick kiss to her hair. I quickly put the bag of groceries away and get undressed before sliding into bed and gathering Izzy back into my arms.
She nuzzles her head in the crook of my shoulder, and I finally feel like I can breathe again. Nothing feels right anymore unless I have her in my arms.
“I love you, Izzy,” I whisper into the darkness, knowing that there’s no way in hell I can tell her when she’s conscious, she’s not ready for that. She’s not there yet, but that’s okay. She will be, I’ll make sure of it. I’ll make my wife love me, even if it’s the last thing I do.
Chapter Twenty-Six
The past few weeks have been nothing short of bliss. Ever since the gala—and the amazing sex me and Luca had—we’ve been closer than ever before.
About a week after the mayor’s event, I was watching the news and a story about the man who attacked me that night, Elias Williams, had been victim to a break in which resulted in his death. I had no doubts in my mind that my husband was behind it and when I asked him what happened he just shrugged and said, “that’s what happens when someone touches what’s mine.”
Turns out Luca is extremely possessive, it wasn’t enough for him that I bruised the assholes balls and his ego, Luca needed his blood for himself.
And I’m pretty sure I shouldn’t find that wildly romantic.
As well as being possessive, it seems my husband also has a softer side. Luca is attentive, he cares about my day, and he takes care of me. It was fucking strange at first, I’m not used to having someone care so deeply for me and it put me on high alert, looking for a lie but after a while I realized that’s just him, he’s the kind of man who will take care of those close to him, and he fucking hates when I’m in pain or hurting.
I stand in the bathroom mirror and smile to myself as I remember Luca’s need to take care of me while I was on my period.
Fuck, these cramps are killing me.