Page 27 of He Hates Me (Hate & Love Duet 1)
“Vita Boarding School. Ask about Sarah Lisette.”
The line goes dead.
I stare at the phone, as the name of the school whirls in my head.
Vita Boarding School.
The school I was raised in until Costa got me out of it.10GeorginaI can't believe that bastard Jasper just left me like this.
I'm still fuming an hour later, lying on the sofa and channel hopping, unable to focus on any of the shows or films playing on the TV. My cats are curled up next to me, and I absentmindedly stroke their silky fur, my thoughts revolving around one person and one person only.
I hate how he left, and I hate how he's made me feel. My pussy is fucking leaking, alerting me of every second that passes painfully slowly without him.
"Where the hell did you come from, Jasper," I mutter under my breath as I turn off the TV and pull my laptop out from under the cushions of the couch. "And what the fuck are you doing to me?"
I open my laptop and blush lightly at the last open window. A fantasy blares out on the screen in glorious, graphic detail, and I hesitantly reach for my headphones, then push them against my ears. In a split second, my head fills with a woman's moans, and I watch in fascination as she gets hurt on the screen before me.
My fetish. My dirty little secret. What nobody knows about me.
All those secrets race through my mind as I keep watching the scene unfold on the laptop screen, my fingers rushing between my legs, pushing my panties to the side and eagerly massaging my wet slit. I'm thinking of Jasper, and not even trying to fight it. He's turned me on so much, turned me into a needy puddle of frustration hidden behind the veil of being strong, independent. I wonder what he would have done if he'd known how eager I was, how much I was hoping for him to take me anyway.
I've had to build a thick skin to get through life. There's no room for me to be vulnerable. That's why I've put up wall upon wall – to protect myself. But with Jasper, I want to let all those walls come tumbling down. Hell, I want him to break them down, enter my life with force and stay there by power of sheer will. I want him to bury himself in my life and never leave. There's a connection there and I refuse to believe I'm the only one to feel it.
The woman on screen is being held down by a man, tied with one limb to each of the bed posts, and with the guy's hand on her throat. She whimpers and cries as he forces orgasm after orgasm out of her, and I let out the loudest moan as I watch. Nervously, I glance at the wall I share with my neighbor. Fuck, I hope she can't hear me.
I keep watching, keep working my pussy, eager movements driving me closer and closer to an orgasm I know I shouldn't have. On an impulse, I reach out to the coffee table next to my desk and open its drawer. With shaky fingers, I search for my favorite toy, but it's not there.
I push the laptop away and take another look in the drawer, but there's nothing. This is so freaking weird. Why do I keep forgetting where I've put my stuff?
Not wanting to waste precious time looking for the toy, I use my fingers instead. The woman on my laptop is being ball-gagged now, and the man is fucking her. I'm so close I can feel my release on the tip of my tongue. So close, but never quite there.
Right then, there's a knock on my front door.
The cats race to the entrance, and I curse softly under my breath, closing my laptop. I rush to the sink to wash my hands, but the knock comes again, louder and more insistent this time.
What if it’s my neighbor? The old lady always complains about how loud the cats are.
In a panic, I suck my fingers clean instead and open the door in nothing but my cat pajamas and my soaked wet panties.
"Nice outfit." Jasper’s lips tilt in a smirk as he gives me a onceover before stepping inside my apartment.
I step aside because I don't expect it, and he strolls in like he owns the place.
"Um, excuse me?" I hiss and cross my arms. "You can't just walk in here after ditching me earlier."
"I think I just did." He grabs an apple from my fruit bowl, tossing it in the air and catching it as he stares at me. "Don't tell me you didn't want me to come back here for you, Petal."
"That's a door you closed by leaving the first time. Literally." I motion to the exit. "And you're going to do it again, right now."