Page 13 of Devil's Sinner (Fallen Dynasty 3)
“Fuck! Bitch!” Connor’s hand went to his face and I squirmed free.
I scrambled back to my feet and started running again--but in a different direction--towards the idling car behind us. Connor didn’t turn kill the engine, which meant the keys were still in the ignition. If I could get to it, then I was free.
I burst through the edge of the wooded area and hope began to surge through my body again--but it was short lived. Connor hit me from behind with what felt like his shoulder and I left my feet as I went flying through the air and crashed into the ground. The impact was enough to leave me stunned. Connor was on top of me before I had a chance to recover.
“At least you’ve still got some fight left.” He wrapped his hand around my throat. “Good!”
Connor lifted up and yanked me to my feet. He quickly grabbed my injured wrist and I screamed as the agony shot through my arm. I made him bleed, but it wasn’t enough to hurt him--probably not even enough to scar. My chance of escape had been snuffed out and I barely grazed my tormentor.
“I’ll make sure the fucking ropes are extra tight this time, dear Violet.” Connor pulled me forward.
“Then I’ll fight harder to escape!” I lunged at Connor--at his eyes with my fingernails--but he caught my other arm before I could hit him.
“I hope you fight this hard the first time I fuck you.” He squeezed my wrists. “I’ll enjoy it.”
“That’s never going to happen!” I twisted and turned in his grip, but it was no use. The pain in my wrist made me want to scream and I refused to give him that satisfaction again.
“We’ll see…” Connor’s lip slowly spread into a grin. “This little escape attempt will give me enough satisfaction for one day--especially since it gives me all the permission I need to punish you.”
“Permission?” I blinked in confusion.
“It’s complicated, but nothing for you to worry about, dear Violet.” He jerked me towards the wooded area. “You’re going to be too busy suffering to worry about it.”
Connor let go of my injured wrist when we got to the wooded area and I tried to slam my hand into him, but he easily dodged my attempts. He reached out and ripped a long, slender branch free before he started dragging me back towards the shed where I had previously been tied up.
I dug my heels in and did my best to resist, but I wasn’t able to put up much of a fight. The adrenaline had nearly exhausted what limited supply I had and he was way too strong for me. The second that we got to the shed, he slung me forward so hard that I stumbled and landed on the floor. I looked up at him with every ounce of hatred and contempt I could muster.
“Maybe if your father would have done less sparing the rod and spoiling the child, you would know your fucking place, dear Violet.” Connor started plucking the leaves off the branch and throwing them on the ground.
“I do know my place.” I tried to push myself up to my feet, but Connor walked over and put his foot on my injured wrist. “Ow, fuck!”
“Obviously not, which is why you’re going to be punished.” Connor locked his eyes on mine and continued plucking the leaves until the branch was bare--then he swung it in the air a couple of times before pointing to a dusty table in the corner of the room. “I’m going to remove my foot from your wrist and you’re going to bend over that table for your whipping.”
“Like hell I am…” I glared at him and grimaced as he twisted his foot on my wrist.
“You will, dear Violet--otherwise, I’m going to whip you right here on the floor until you can’t fucking move.” His lips twisted into the sickest smile I had ever seen him wear and he lifted the branch. “Maybe I’ll break your wrist first--as punishment for hitting me.”
Connor started grinding his shoe against my wrist and I realized he was serious--he would actually do it. “Okay!” I squealed and tears dampened my eyes.
The water I drank replenished me enough to cry. What a sadistic twist of fate. I needed whatever strength I could muster if I was going to try and escape again. I couldn’t let Connor break my wrist.
“What will it be, dear Violet?” Connor narrowed his eyes. “Are you going to take your whipping and show me that you still remember how to be a good little girl?”
“I’ll…” I let out another squeal. “...Yes.”
I was defeated. I fought with everything I had and it wasn’t enough. Connor slowly pulled his foot away from my wrist and I rubbed it as I rose to my feet. He kept his distance, but he stayed between me and the door. He wasn’t going to give me another chance to run.