Page 8 of Devil's Toy (Fallen Dynasty 2)
“What the fuck do you think you’re doing?” I slammed the door so hard that the wall shook and a picture of him with a world leader who ruled a third world country before my time hit the ground—the glass shattered.
My father didn’t react. He simply turned around in his chair, wearing a sly grin. Only then did I notice a woman between his legs, her makeup smeared and her mouth dripping saliva as she sucked the cock that made me.
“For fuck’s sake, Dad,” I shook my head and growled. “Put your fucking dick away.”
“I’m not the one who doesn’t know how to knock,” he laughed out loud, patting the girl’s face as if she were a puppy and mercifully pushed his cock into his pants. “And good morning to you too, sonny boy.”
The woman stood up on shivering legs, and it took me several moments to recognize her as my own secretary.
“Sally-Anne?” I asked incredulously, and she looked up at me, eyes wide and deeply ashamed. “This is what you called in sick for? This is why you weren’t at your desk?”
“Mr. Windsor, I’m s-s-so sorry,” she stuttered. “I didn’t… I couldn’t…”
“Save it,” I ground out, raising my palm at her. “You’re obviously fired. You can suck his dick your own time-not mine.”
“But what will I do?” She covered her mouth with shaking hands. “You can’t… Please don’t… Mr. Windsor, I…”
I ignored her, turning to my father instead. He was looking at the woman with an amused expression, saying, “You can come work for me, darling. Your boss will be more handsome, and if you suck my cock the way you just did, I can see a nice Christmas bonus in your future.”
“Asshole,” I muttered, rubbing my eyes. “Can we move on?”
“Get out,” my father threw at the woman he’d been so kind to moments ago. “Leave. Now.”
Sally-Anne scurried to get out of the room. She stopped to consider picking up the broken glass, but decided against it. Her exit was a lot gentler than my arrival.
“What do you want?” my father asked, giving me a jovial smile as he got up from his desk and walked over to the bar, pouring himself a double Scotch on the rocks. “Gin and tonic?”
“Sure,” I muttered, sitting down at his desk while he brought over the drinks.
We both downed them in one go, then exchanged long looks. Sometimes we were too similar for my own comfort.
“Why are you trying to buy the Cabot Estate?” I asked, getting right to the point. “You knew I was going to buy it, didn’t you?”
“Attempt to buy it,” he grinned. “I’ll beat any offer you can make.”
“Doesn’t seem that way.” I pulled some documents out of my briefcase, showing him the signatures on the contract that proved Cabot Estate was now my property. “See? Signed by both Marlena Hodge and me. It’s officially mine. You lose, old man.”
I watched my father’s jaw set. He was angry, I could tell, but I also didn’t give a shit. He’d gotten in my business and I wasn’t going to let him take over like he always did.
“Why the fuck are you so obsessed with the Cabots?” I asked him. “You and Hugo haven’t been friends for years. Why the sudden interest?”
“Well, my son seems to have an almost unhealthy fascination with the Cabot heiress,” he told me with raised eyebrows. “Can you blame an old man for trying to take an interest?”
“Stop it with the bullshit,” I said. “Why are you trying to get involved in my shit again?”
“Call me competitive,” he shrugged, putting his empty glass on the desk. “I like getting in your hair when I can. You get so delightfully unhinged when you think you’re being threatened.”
“I’m your son,” I reminded him. “You should be on my side.”
“I am on your side,” he laughed—it was too similar to mine. “But I can still have some fun with this, can’t I?”
“No,” I replied, stiffly, getting up from my chair. “I’m leaving now but think of this as your last warning. Stop fucking meddling in my goddamn business.”
“Warning?” he laughed out loud. “I don’t need warnings, kid. I can have anything I want. You’re the one always playing catch-up.”
“You think so?” I smirked in his face as I walked over to the door. “I’m the one who has the prize – Violet Cabot. She’ll never be yours.”
“I don’t want Violet,” he spat out at me. “You’re still so blind, Devlin. You need to open your eyes.”
“I’d rather not,” I bit out. “Your world is too ugly for me. Lies, deceit, fucking cheating left and right, be it business or a woman. You’re a disgrace to the Windsor name, Dad.”
“I gave you that name. Call me whatever you want,” he grinned darkly. “It doesn’t change the fact that I’ll get my way in the end.”