Page 38 of Devil's Captive (Fallen Dynasty 1)
I leaned down next to her, my eyes on hers as I tipped her chin back.
“You won’t disappoint me, will you, Violet?” I asked her softly.
“N-No,” she managed.
“No what?”
“No, M-Master.”
Her eyes were so fucking wide.
I got up, unable to look at her for another second. If I stayed longer, I would want to fuck her. Bury my cock in her virgin pussy and remind her to whom she really belonged.
I closed the distance between her cage and the door, opening it wide and barking, “What the fuck do you want?”
My associate, Jasper, stood in front of the door, giving me an apologetic look.
“I’m sorry, Sir,” he said. “There’s someone on the phone in your office. They wouldn’t take no for an answer… It was quite strange.”
“Well, get rid of them,” I hissed. “I’m fucking busy.”
He briefly glanced over my shoulder, then his eyes went back to mine.
“I’m sorry Sir,” he said again. “I think you should take this.”
There was a note of worry in his voice that made me throw one last look over my shoulder before walking outside. I shut the door firmly behind myself and followed Jasper up the stairs and into my office.
A red light was blinking on the landline receiver, and Jasper and I exchanged glances before I walked in.
“I’ll be right inside if you need me, Sir,” Jasper said, and I gave him a curt nod.
I sat down at my desk, my brows furrowing. I wasn't happy about being interrupted, but Jasper seemed adamant that I took the call even though it was out of business hours.
"Devlin Windsor himself," the voice on the other side said, laughing out loud.
"Who is this?" I barked into the phone, checking to see the caller ID, but there was nothing - the number was hidden. "Dad?"
"No, not this time," the voice went on. It was strange, almost robotic, and I realized that whoever was calling was using a device to mask their voice, so I wouldn't figure out who the fuck it was. "But you'll wish it had just been dear old Dominic soon enough, I bet."
"What's this about?" I asked, trying my best to stay level-headed.
I didn't like playing games unless I was the puppet master. And this guy was pissing me the hell off.
"I heard you've acquired a new toy," the strange voice went on. "A pretty, barely legal little captive who's signed herself over to you."
"Word travels fast, apparently," I said easily, though my heartbeat had sped up.
I pulled a notebook up, grabbing a pen and pressing it to the paper. I was going to find out who was calling, so I needed to track down everything I knew about the other person.
Knows about Violet, I put on paper. Uses a masking device for their voice - could be someone I know.
"I'd say you had something to do with that yourself," the voice went on. "Since you just put her on display mere days ago. She was quite the vision, apparently. Sucking dick like a pro, wasn't she?"
My mouth tightened, but I didn't grace him with the outburst he so desperately craved.
"What's this about, then?" I asked easily. "You trying to score with my toy, or something?"
"You could say that," the voice responded, just as I jotted down another note.
Since the voice is masked, it could be a woman just as well as a man.
"Let's just say sweet Violet Cabot has caught my eye too," he went on. "I wouldn't mind a piece of that tight little ass myself. She's still a virgin, isn't she, Windsor? You haven't spoiled her completely yet?"
"I don't see how that's relevant," I replied icily. "Since I have no intention of letting Violet go."
"No?" the voice asked. "Maybe you will after the proposition I have for you."
"Proposition?" I repeated, crossing off the last note I'd made. It was definitely a man. "What kind of proposition?"
"I heard about the contract your toy signed," the voice explained. "I like the way you roll, Windsor. You legally own her now, don't you? She's your property, just like a pretty work of overpriced art. Think this one's worth the cost?"
"Most definitely," I replied. "Now I'm only going to ask one more time. What the fuck do you want?"
"I want to make you an offer," the voice said. "I want to buy Violet Cabot from you."
I laughed out loud, saying, "Why not just make her the offer while she was still on the market?"
"What can I say... I don't like getting my hands dirty," the voice admitted. "But I very much appreciate you setting it up for me, Windsor. I'll pay you handsomely. So handsomely you never have to work a day in your life ever again."
"Not worth it," I replied easily.
"No?" he questioned. "I'm sure it would be once you hear the figures."
"Don't give a shit how many zeroes you add," I spat out. "She's fucking mine. Now, if that's all-"