Page 89 of My Bully's Crush: Vol1
“You were injected.”Now she turned in my arms to look at me with a look of disbelief on her face.That I could handle, but it was the tears that filled her eyes that unmanned me.
“Don’t cry, baby; we’ll take care of everything.I promise you.”
It had been hell hearing about all of this and not being able to go to her or do anything about it, but the guys had reassured me that it could be handled, that they had people on hand who could help her with what had been done to her.I’m no medical expert, but I’d learned to trust them and took their word for it.
“When you came in last night, it looked as if you were scanning the room, were you?”Now comes an even harder part.“Your house is bugged, and so was mine.How else would they be able to keep tabs on our every move?This bedroom was safe; I guess Rachel told them that no one uses this side of the house, so they figured it was safe.When we walk out of here, we’ll act as if everything is normal.”
“Don’t act in any way that you’re not accustomed to.Keep it light….”
“Are there cameras here as well?Or just listening devices.”
“Both!”Now she panicked and tried pulling away again.
“Doesn’t that mean that they know you’re here?”
“No, I found the location of the cameras as soon as I walked in with this.”I showed her the device on my watch that allowed me to scan for any device within range.It’s one of Tyler’s gadgets that allows me to turn things off the way they did in my house without anyone watching being the wiser.
“There’s one in the kitchen, which is where you hang out most of the time, but none up here.I guess they figured with Rachel here, they didn’t need too many cameras since she’s always around.”
“That’s true.Is that why you came today?Because she’s gone for a few days?”
“I arranged that, actually.”
“Yes, I found out that the only person she really cares about is her ailing mother, who she spends a fortune on to keep in that care facility she lives in.That’s how they got to her in the first place.She needed the money to care for her mom.Anyway, I had them call her with a medical emergency….”
“You didn’t actually do anything to her mother, did you?”
“No, of course not, I’m not them.Her mother has a condition that needs constant care, so any little change is cause for alarm.She just caught a cold, is all, which worked out in our favor.Otherwise, I’d have had to come up with something, some other way to get her out of the way.”
“So, what do we do now?”
“I have a plan if you’ll trust me.”I searched her eyes when she looked at me and released the breath I was holding when she nodded her head silently.
Has anyone noticed that Janie Andrews has been looking a bit rough lately?Well, we here at SNY might have the answer.It’s just come to our attention that the young wife of one of our leading pop stars, and soon-to-be movie star, might be suffering from something she picked up while doodling the help.You heard it here first, folks.
“What the hell is this?”I screamed at the head of my PR team as I paced the floor.This was the last thing I needed with everything else that was going on right now.Ryder has been locked away in his suite for the past twenty-four hours, and no one could get by his guard dogs to take so much as a peep at him.
My dad’s house was in foreclosure thanks to this MengeLiNi person who wasn’t satisfied with doing it behind the scenes but had broadcasted the embarrassing event on social media for all the world to see, and now all the idiots were coming up with one conspiracy theory after the next.
There was no help coming from Mary, Scott, or even Matt because they were all dealing with their own issues.It seemed like everyone had been attacked at the same time in some sort of organized blitz attack, and as soon as we put out one fire, another was burning out of control, and Ryder was nowhere to be found when I needed him.
Come to think of it, it’s not like he needed that deal with the Saunders group anyway; he had plenty of money and fame already.He just needed to be here with me.I was slowly going out of my mind already, and now this latest post was going to send me over the edge.
I’m not sure who was giving out personal information; it could be Mary trying to take the heat off herself.My team had barely played down the leaked photos of me and the bodyguard, only for this news to be exposed weeks later.What are people going to think?Obviously, where there’s smoke, there’s fire will be their first conclusion.
“We’re already handling it, but you’ve got to calm down.”I could almost hear the censure in her tone, and it rubbed me the wrong way.I know she wanted to blast me for starting the attacks on that bitch Elena, which seems to have been the catalyst for all this, but I wasn’t in the mood to hear it.
I have very few pleasures in the world as it is, so if I get my kicks by rubbing shit in her face, so what.Nobody seems to understand my plight.Everyone is always on her side, even my own husband, so how the hell am I supposed to react?
If she wants to blame someone, she should blame him; if he had shown me even an ounce of what he’d shared with her, I wouldn’t be this miserable.I would’ve been happy enough in our marriage to forget she even existed, but instead, he’d mooned over her from afar and never did much to hide the fact from me.
I’m only human, after all, and a woman at that, and even though he’d been tricked and I’d had a hand in out maneuvering him to the altar, I did it out of love; why is that not okay for me to do?Why couldn’t the world accept us, accept me as the one who was more suitable to be by his side?And why was everything I’d worked so hard for coming undone?