Page 11 of Dusty
“I asked you a question. And I’m going to stand right here until you answer me. I know that you took him. One of you did, anyway. He’s not answering his phone, nor is he coming home when I leave him a message.” Still, Dusty stood there, not saying a single word to her. When she raised her cane up, he took an aggressive step in her direction. She lowered it slowly then. “Where is Scott?”
“I haven’t any idea where he is. I didn’t know that anyone would care about a nearly thirty-five-year-old man. He’s single, so perhaps he’s out looking to get laid.” She lifted the cane about halfway up but didn’t put it down again. “I’m a grown man, too, and if you think I’m going to allow you to hit me with that cane and not retaliate, then you’re a bigger fool than I thought you were.”
“I want my son. I’m not going to ask you again.” He told her that repeating herself was sort of trying anyway. “Damn you, boy. Tell me where he is.”
“I don’t know.” He pulled out his cell phone and dialed the police. “You can leave now, and I won’t have to have you arrested, or you can hang around here, and when my wife gets home, she can shoot you for trespassing. Again. Now leave—” The police answered, and he told them what he had going on.
“We’re out and about that way anyway, Dusty. We’ll swing by and help you remove the woman. You say she just barged in?” He didn’t but thought it was funny that they understood the problem. “We’ll just have to run her in again if she’s there when we get there.”
She was still standing in his living room when the police showed up. After telling her to leave his home, Alma told the police that he’d kidnapped her son. The men around started laughing and snickering when she asked what they were going to do about it.
“Nothing. He’s a grown man.” The third time that had been said to her today. “I doubt very much that anyone has him locked up in their home, Mrs. Landry. You go on home, and the rest of us will pray that he’s finally gotten some balls of his own and that he’s lit out of here and never returns.”
She left after Shipley showed up. Not willingly, but she was gone all the same. It might have been because Shipley pulled her gun out and said that she’d help the police remove her from their home, but he wasn’t sure. He didn’t know but was thrilled to be able to lock the door behind that nasty old woman and be with his pretty new wife.
Chapter 5
It was nearly midnight when they finally made it up to bed. After having to file charges against Alma, they had to cool down. Mostly, it was her having to cool off after dealing with the woman. She’d never been as pissed off at someone as she was that woman. Alma accused them all of kidnapping her son and making it so that he didn’t come home anymore.
“I hope he has left you.” Alma drew back her hand and told Shipley that she was going to make her regret her words. “You do that, and you’ll be pulling back a stump old woman. I’m not in the mood to fuck with you tonight. I’ve been making plans to have sex with Dusty, and you’ve been a fucking pain in my ass since.”
“The things that come out of your mouth. What a disgrace to the America that I love.” Rolling her eyes at the older woman, she wasn’t the least bit surprised that she took offense to that as well. She was about the dumbest mother fucker that she’d ever encountered. “You’ll tell him to come home to me this moment or I’ll have to make you see reason. I will, too. He’s my son. And so you know, I wouldn’t allow him to marry you now if he begged me. You’re not at all what I thought you’d be in a daughter-in-law.”
“Good for you.” After the police got over their laughing at the elderly Landry, they took her to jail. Trespassing was all they could hold her on for now but she was sure that she would be able to think of other things to charge against her if it came down to it. “Don’t come back here, or I will shoot you, Alma. I’ve had enough of your shit.”
After she’d left, she and Dusty sat on the deck out back and thought about anything other than Alma. They talked a bit about the pool that would be going in, as well as the hot tub that had been delivered just this morning. It wasn’t full as yet but it would be before tomorrow night. There had been other deliveries that had arrived while she’d been gone, and she was thrilled to see that they’d all been set up or were in the process of them being put together. The two of them walked hand in hand to the bedroom and she smiled at the romantic way that Dusty had done their room.
The candles were being lit as she watched him. The trays of food, both of them having a different food on them, was a nice touch, and she found herself not a huge fan of chocolate enjoying the little morsels that he’d put on one of them. The meat and cheese platter had cut-out hearts of cheese. There were even hearts cut into the meat that looked so cute that she ate a couple of them while wandering around the room.
“I wanted things to be special.” She nodded, unable to speak beyond the lump in her throat that had formed there. “I have wine, too. I wasn’t sure if you like champagne, but I’m going to make sure we have some around for all the special occasions.”
“I love it. And you.” She picked up a couple of the rose petals and crushed them between her fingers. The scent, strong and heady had her smiling again at Dusty. “You’ve gone to a lot of trouble. And while I know that we were going to end up here tonight anyway, I love that you made an effort for it to be lovely. I guess I never thought of myself as a romantic, but I do love all this.”
When he finished lighting the different candles, she joined him at the window. She’d noticed that the walls weren’t painted as yet, but she didn’t care. The room was theirs and she was going to be staying here for as long as she had with Dusty.
“All I’ve thought about all day is that I want to strip you down and make love to you. Taking each button through the holes that would reveal a little part of you to me. Touching you as well. Touching a part of you that I love, even though I belong to you, I want to mark you as mine forever and a day.” The warmth had her shivering a little. The heat of his words was already marking her as his, too. “Do you have any idea how much I love you? How much you mean to me? All the words inthe world couldn’t come close to me being able to tell you how much I love you.”
“Oh, Dusty. I can’t believe how much I love you as well. It’s like from the moment that we met, it’s been leading up to this for us. Us. Doesn’t that sound about as wonderful of a word as you’ve ever heard? It is everything to me.” She pulled him down to her mouth and kissed him, letting him know without words that she wanted him as well. When they parted, just their mouths, he picked her up in his arms and took her to the bed before setting her down again.
He was true to his word on preparing her for himself. The way that he unbuttoned her uniform shirt had her body anticipating his every touch. Her nipples hardened when he brushed his hand over her bra. Nothing about her uniform nor her underclothing was sexy, but he made her feel like she was. Even his breath over her mouth and throat had her sighing heavily.
When her bra was unhooked, she let out a long breath. Just as he was pulling it down from her shoulders and then over her breasts, he kissed her nipple and then suckled hard on just the very tip. Tangling her fingers into his hair had her pulling him closer to her, allowing him to take as much as he needed from her.
“I’m going to love making love to you, darling.” She nodded her body seemed to be on high alert with him touching her. As if every cell in her body was alive just because of him. When he helped her to the edge of the bed, pulling her pants off as he knelt before her, Shipley had a moment of unease when she realized that he was going to feast on her. Something that she’d never enjoyed during sex. But she shouldn’t have worried. Everything with this man was going to be new and exciting.
Lying her back on the bed, he pulled her bare legs apart and inhaled deeply. That small action alone had her breath catching, and her pussy soak. When his fingers slid up and under her serviceable underwear and removed them, she decided right then that she was going to make sure that she had sexy underthings for making love to Dusty for the rest of her life. He deserved so much more than some white grannie panties.
“You smell so good to me. Like your body is calling me home.” He flicked his finger over her clit, and she cried out. Not with pain, though there was a bit of that from needing to come so badly. But he didn’t give her much of a chance to move away from his seeking fingers when they were sliding in and out of her while he watched her face.
Each time he slid his fingers or his tongue inside of her, she could feel herself getting closer and closer to coming apart. If not for him holding her in position, she would have flown away by now, her body screaming for more from him.
“Come for me, love.” She didn’t need to be commanded twice for that but bowed up from the bed, her head bent nearly to her forehead and screamed out her release. It was more than she would have hoped for. More than anything that she’d ever felt before either. Her body now belonged to him. Whatever he did to her now, she was going to cherish it as much as she did him.
After coming at his demand, she was up and down with each new sensation. He would beg her for her cum, tell her to wrap her legs around his head she’d do it. With each stroke of his fingers, she came apart more. It wasn’t until he lifted his head that she realized that she was covered in sweat and far from satisfied with her multitude of releases.
Moving her around so that she was in the center of the bed, Shipley touched Dusty everywhere she could reach. His nipples, his navel. She kissed his throat and his shoulder, digging her fingers into him so that she’d not come apart. Just as he was over her, his body hard and his groin straining at his root, Shipley wrapped her hand around his shaft and felt it fill with hot, fresh cream. It had her coming again and again.
His slide into her was more than she could have hoped for from a man. Shipley knew that he was thicker than any other man that she’d been with before, and he filled her well. As he started to move, his hands all over her body, she arched up against him again and again with each of his downward strokes. It didn’t take her long before she was hanging on again when he touched the spot in her that ripped her ways of feeling about sex right out of her body. Christ, he was everything and more than she could have hoped for.