Page 92 of Wicked Games
I wait until it’s silent, then tiptoe out. For a split second, I’m shocked that Caleb isn’t leaning against the door, my plan foiled.
Nope. Empty hallway.
I open the door and slip inside, scurrying to the back row of computers. Time flies by as I turn on a computer and begin my search. I pull out my lunch, giving it a fraction of my attention.
I’m lost in the interwebs when the computer lab door opens, and I instinctively duck down.
“It’s just me,” Riley says, laughing. She closes the door behind her and drops into the chair next to me. “Why are you in here with the lights off?”
“I figured Caleb would come searching for me,” I murmur. “Keep your voice down.”
I picked the last row strategically. Even if Caleb were to pop in here—which he wouldn’t—we’re out of sight of the window. I’m not taking any chances.
“Did you find anything?”
I shake my head. “There are fourteen attorneys named Tobias who practice in New York City. I’m going through the law firm websites right now, trying to find their pictures.”
Riley turns to the computer next to me. “Give me half, we can work through it until we have to go to class.”
I grin, pushing the paper between us. “You start at the bottom?”
We work in silence. She has me glance at pictures when she finds them. By the time we get through the list, there are two who don’t have headshots online.
I stare at the two highlighted names. Tobias Hutchins and Tobias E. Rodrigues.
“What now?” Riley whispers.
A shadow falls across the narrow vertical window on the door, and we both duck behind our screens. It disappears after a second. While there’s no proof it’s Caleb, I’d put money on it.
“He’s kind of a stalker.” Riley laughs.
“If that was even him.” I know it was, though. After this morning, he probably assumed I would hide. Luckily for me, I still have tricks up my sleeve. Including hiding in places he’d never think to check.
Riley groans. “Did you eat, at least?”
“Yeah, I ate with one hand and Googled with the other. You?”
“Yep, I sat with Eli for a bit.”
Well,that’sa lie. There’s no way she’d be able to get into the academic wing once she went to the cafeteria. Not until the bell rang. But her cheeks are flushed, and I’m not in the habit of exposing my best friend’s secrets.
Even if it kills me.
We gather our things slowly. The bell is going to ring any moment.
I grab Riley’s arm. “I need to get to New York City. It would be better to confront this lawyer face-to-face, don’t you think?”
“Right.” She swallows. “I’m guessing you don’t want Caleb to find out?”
“Something like that.”
She chuckles. “Okay. Great. Let’s do this.”
Chapter 22