Page 26 of Wicked Games
Nope. I shake my head hard. It doesn’t change anything aboutwhat, though? As far as I’m concerned, Caleb’s story changes everything.
“What does that mean for me?”
“We’re taking you home,” Robert says firmly. “No ifs, ands, or buts about it.”
My eyes burn.
“I’m glad you worked things out,” Ian says behind me. He sets my backpack down at my feet. “Can’t say I’m sorry to see you go, though.”
I take it, eyeing him. Did he call them? No one else would want me out of Ian’s house more than he does… except Caleb. DidCalebcall them?
I frown, first at him, and then at my foster parents. “What did Ms. McCaw say?”
Robert winces, bracing the door open with his back. Lenora slips out first, and I follow.
“Well, we didn’t tell her.”
My jaw drops.
“We hoped we could find you before it became necessary,” Lenora explains. “It’s a bit unorthodox. And it could’ve backfired on all of us.”
“But the consequences would’ve been worse,” Robert adds. “You’re already labeled as a runaway risk. I’m sorry, but it’s true. If she knew we lost you…”
I cringe. Iama risk—because of Caleb. It’s time I accepted that he’s been the source of my life’s upheaval for years. And, like Amelie suggested, I should do something about it.
But not right now.
Now, I buckle myself into the backseat and lean forward, still in disbelief that they didn’t follow procedure and report me.
“You didn’t tell her,” I repeat. “She doesn’t know.”
Relief. Confusion. It’s all white noise buzzing in my ears.
They saved me after everything.
“We didn’t,” Robert confirms.
“What now?” I shoot one last glance back toward Ian’s house.
He wasn’t that bad—better than I expected with nowhere left to go. Would I do it again? No. Was his behavior toxic, even if he wasn’t actively hurting me? Yeah, a bit. And then there’s Amelie…
“We’re going home, and we’re going to figure this out,” Robert says. “But you’re not going anywhere unless you want to. Do you?”
I blink. “Do I what?”
“Want to go to a different family?” He readjusts his grip on the steering wheel.
“No.” I bite my lip. It’s time to stop hiding behind fear and speak what I want into existence. “I want to stay.”
Lenora sniffles. “Good.”
We ride the rest of the way in silence. I’m exhausted from the past two days. There are too many emotions swirling around my head. The sudden switch from liking Caleb tohate—it’s left me cold. And confused.
I shudder.
Back at the Bryans’ house, I shoulder my bag and make my way to my room. It’s kind of strange, returning here. Everything is exactly the same as the way I left it.
I lie down, and Caleb’s scent surrounds me. Another tear slides down my cheek. I could sleep away the whole day. But after a few minutes of breathing deeply, I push myself up. I have to go to school with him tomorrow.