Page 140 of Wicked Games
He kisses me once more. “Good. Let’s go have some fun.” He looks down at his lap, where we’re still connected.
“Unless you want to skip the game and do more of this?” I ask hopefully.
He laughs. “If we don’t make an appearance, people will talk.”
“Talk isn’t the worst thing in the world.”
“If only you believed yourself.”
I climb off him and pitch myself into the passenger seat with a groan. He hands me my bra, then panties. He tucks himself back in his pants. Once we’re both more put-together, he winks and drives out onto the road.
First to drop off the car at Ian’s house, then onward to Lion’s Head.
Why does it feel like we’re about to walk into the enemy’s lair?
Chapter 37
King Caleb has returned to his throne.
At least, that’s what it feels like.
The Lion’s Head football field, located behind the school, seems newly built. Crisp, white-painted lines. Bleachers on either side and a small building manned by two adults selling food and drinks. It’s a giant campus abutting a state reservation, and it’s much more peaceful than I would’ve guessed.
Caleb keeps me tucked next to him as countless people approach him from the top of the bleachers. He slaps guys’ hands, waves off girls. Smiles and jokes. He’s charming, which shocks the hell out of me. I don’t know why I expected grunts and stares, which is what most people usually get out of him.
He squeezes my arm, and I’m reminded of the last time we did this. The first andonlytime we did this. It didn’t really end well…
I let my head rest against his shoulder. We came prepared in winter gear. Ian wasn’t exactly thrilled to let Riley and me into his house to change, but Eli barged past him, Riley right behind.
Riley and I giggled to each other, shrugging out of the white uniform t-shirts and the dark skirts, putting on skin-tight black leggings and gold shirts she found at the mall. Mine shimmerslike silk, and hers has a rough, purposefully ripped vibe. The outfits aren’t for the game—it’s too cold for that—but for the after-party. We painted on makeup and fixed our hair, and finally we were ready.
An impatient Ian stood by the door, periodically checking his watch.
Caleb and Eli thundered down the stairs, decked out in black and gold, and we were off.
I sink farther into my black coat, grateful for the hat Lenora gave me a few weeks ago. It’s an Emery-Rose winter one, black with gold tinsel-like threads woven through, and an eagle stitched on the side.
Riley and Eli are just below us on the bleachers, and Caleb’s teammates run interference for him a few rows down. They’re sprawled out, being generally loud and rowdy, but also blocking a lot of people from reaching our bubble.
Liam and Theo, I suspect, will be here later.
“How does it feel?” I ask Caleb.
He glances at me. The game hasn’t started yet, but he and Eli seem particularly keen on the Lion’s Head sidelines. They keep staring like a monster is going to pop out.
“Being so popular,” I elaborate. “It must be weird, right?”
He shrugs. “I’ve always been popular. Even when we were kids. You just never noticed.”
“My parents prepped me for this type of lifestyle.” He throws his shoulders back. “You think my dad was able to go anywhere without being recognized? His face was on billboards around town.”
I raise my eyebrow. “I don’t remember that.”