Page 52 of My Girlfriend is a Werewolf
Could it be Derek? Unlikely, because, like Ares, he wouldn’t know where to find her. Not to mention, only an idiot would go against Rogers and his cadre of goons.
Whatever the case, this could be the distraction they needed to escape.
The walkie at the merc’s hip beeped. “What is it?” he barked.
They all heard, “We’re under attack.”
“Fuck.” Rogers eyed the merc. “Go help.”
The man trotted, off leaving them with just the doctor.
Selene taunted Rogers. “Sounds like your evil experiment days are over. You’re going down.”
“Doubtful. My men are armed. You’d need an army?—”
The structure trembled, as if hit by a mini earthquake. Their cages vibrated, and dust sifted from the ceiling, enough Rogers appeared worried. “Don’t move. I’ll be right back.”
Off he scurried, a roach in a lab coat.
“We should take advantage of this distraction,” Selene stated.
“Great idea but we’re still behind bars.” Athena reminded.
“Hey, Mom.” Selene spoke softly. Mom remained strapped to the rack, unharmed for the moment, but that would change the moment Rogers returned. “Can you get your hand loose?”
Rogers hadn’t quite finished buckling her in, the flap of the restraint not tucked into the metal loop.
“I don’t know.” Mom’s tongue peeked as she strained and twisted, trying to unlatch.
Selene grabbed her bars and shook. “The tremor didn’t loosen mine.”
“Mine either,” Athena stated, giving them a good tug.
“Hold on, babies, I think I’ve—Aha!” Mom’s hand popped free. “Give me a sec.” Mom went to work on her other hand while Athena listened to occasional yell and gunshot. A mini war was being waged, and she could only wonder who had the balls to come after Rogers. Could be rescue, or someone worse.
As Mom bent over to work on her ankles, it seemed like perhaps they’d actually manage to get free.
And then the lights went out.
Chapter 15
The planning to rescue Athena,her mom, and sister took hours despite the location being only twenty minutes from them. According to Ares’ tracking of their chips, they were being kept in an old church, long abandoned but its stone edifice still standing.
“The basement is most likely where they’re holding them.” Ares pointed to an image he’d found on the internet taken by a drone. Websites that featured abandoned buildings had pictures of the church, inside and out.
“Those stone walls and that front door will be sturdy,” Grams noted. “They knew how to build back in the day.”
“Bessie won’t have a problem plowing through,” Gramps asserted.
“Won’t that destabilize the structure?” Derek countered. “If they’re in the basement, the whole thing could collapse on them.”
“It’s a possibility,” Ares admitted. “However, we might not have a choice.” He pointed to the bell tower. “If we try to approach on foot, a single sniper up here could take us all out before we got close. Not to mention, the plywood over the windows won’t come off quietly. I think the element of surpriseis our best option, and we’d certainly get that by plowing into the place.”
Grams nodded. “If we aim Bessie for the doors and keep her wedged in the opening, it will provide support if the walls try to buckle. So long as Gramps pulls in far enough for me to use my gunner nest, I can provide cover while you two get to the basement and locate the girls.”
“By provide cover, you do realize you’re talking about killing people,” Derek pointed out.