Page 27 of My Girlfriend is a Werewolf
“Any problems with wildlife? Coyotes? Wolves?” She threw that in casually, wondering if another lycanthrope had a claim on this area.
“Wolves don’t stray this close to the city. As for coyotes…” Gramps chuckled. “You should see the carpet I made from their fur in my den.”
They pulled up in front of a large farmhouse. Painted white clapboard siding. The roof gray metal. The shutters a dark blue that matched the front door. A hound lay on the porch and didn’t move as Derek jumped out of the truck, but it lifted its head and growled when Athena appeared.
“Don’t you be nasty to our guest, Rosy,” Gramps hollered.
Not Rosy’s fault. She smelled the predator in Athena. But Athena knew how to deal with canines. She approached the dog and crouched, crooning, “Hey, Rosy. Who’s a good guard dog?” Sweet words, soft tone, but she fixed an intense stare on the dog and bared her teeth slightly.
Rosy didn’t argue about who was boss but did duck her head before inching forward for pets.
The door swung open, and a woman boomed, “Where’s the little bastard and his hussy?” With snowy-white hair and a thick frame that matched the big voice and personality, it could only be Grams.
“Right here, you old bat.” Derek dragged his grandma into a hug that lifted her off the ground and growled, “Be nice to Athena.”
“Why? Is she a pussy who can’t handle conversation?” snapped Grams as he set her on her feet.
Athena held out her hand. “Nice to meet you, ma’am. Thanks for your hospitality.”
“Don’t thank me yet. Did the bastard warn you that everyone staying here is expected to chip in and help?”
“I’d be delighted. I’ve not seen my family farm in months, so it will be nice to get my hands dirty again.”
“Your family has a farm?” Grams asked suspiciously.
“Her mom runs that honey place you like,” Gramps stated, stomping up the porch steps, cigarette dangling from his lips.
“Really?” Grams eyed her up and down. “You don’t look like your ma.”
“I take after my dad’s side.”
“Like the little bastard. Poor fucker. He wasn’t blessed. Not one bit.” Grams shook her head.
Derek didn’t take offense but grinned. “I might be hideous, but at least I’ve got Gramps’ good hair and my grams’ shining personality.”
Grams snorted. “Such an ass. Get inside. I’ve got breakfast just about ready. You hungry?”
“Very,” Athena exclaimed. She didn’t shy away from food. Shifting burned a lot of calories.
“You one of them vegan, meat-hating bitches common in the city?” Grams asked as she led the way inside.
“Hell no. If given the choice between eating only veggies the rest of my life or meat, I’d choose meat.”
“What if the apocalypse wipes out all animals?” Grams queried as she entered a massive kitchen with huge wooden cabinets and a butcher-block-topped island.
“I’d eat people. After all, meat is meat.”
Grams paused by the counter to stare at her but directed her question at Derek. “Where did you find this girl?”
“Naked by the canal.”
“Turning tricks?”
Athena coughed. “More like escaping some assholes who thought it was okay to kidnap me.”
“You got away?” At Athena’s nod, Grams added, “Did you pay them back?”
“Not yet. But don’t worry, they won’t get away with what they did.”