Page 25 of My Girlfriend is a Werewolf
The forest-green truck, with a white stripe down each side, rumbled into view. Gramps pulled up alongside them, and Derek opened the passenger door.
“Hey, Gramps. Thanks for the ride. Sorry for the early wakeup call.”
The old man, fit for his age, if thick, grunted. “I was already up. I was about to hit the blind when you called.”
Derek glanced at Athena. “Hunting blind. Deer season just opened.”
“Your grandma has said I better snag at least three since the price of beef went up again. Let’s go. I should still have time to hike it before dawn.”
While Derek stood, ready to boost Athena into the truck, she required no aid, swinging herself into the cab and scooching over the bench seat that spanned the front. Derek clambered in and no sooner shut the door than Gramps was speeding away but not before saying, “Don’t know what you’re thinking bringing this sweet thing to see your grams. She’s gonna eat her alive.”
To which Athena replied, “I can’t wait.”
Neither could Derek, because he might have finally met the one woman who could hold her own with his family.
Chapter 7
Athena wonderedwhy she’d let Derek talk her into going to his grandparents’. The right thing to do when those thugs showed up looking for her would have been to hightail it. She could have asked to borrow some more cash and taken off into the great big unknown.
Instead, she was squished between two large men, on her way to a booby-trapped farm with an outspoken old lady.
Admittedly, despite her trepidation involving them, she was kind of excited. Derek kept fascinating her, from his great attitude to his sense of humor. And that body… Damn that body was hot, and his tongue even better. She couldn’t wait for some alone time to finish what they began.
But first, time to play nice with grandpa.
“So you got a name?” the grandpa asked.
“Athena. And you are?”
“The young’uns all call me Gramps. Where you from?”
“Calabogie area. My mom has a farm.”
“You don’t say. Ours is down in the Richmond area. Wonder if we know your place.”
“You might. Beatrice’s Honey Bee Emporium?”
“No shit.” Gramps took his eyes from the road for a second. “Grams swears by your shit. Says you can tell they pay attention to the flowers they’re letting the bees feed on.”
“Mom takes her flavors very seriously.” Athena paused before saying, “I hear you grow weed and mushrooms.”
Gramps snorted. “Yup. We do. Surprised the boy told you.”
She glanced at Derek. “He’s pretty honest. One of the things I like about him.”
“He’d better not be a liar, or the belt will be kissing his ass.” A growled threat.
Derek didn’t cringe, but he did laugh. “You still got that thing?” He nudged Athena. “I was raised with the spare the rod, spoil the child mantra.”
“Did you get whooped often?”
“Not too much, but enough. I could be a little shit.”
“Little? Your grams still hasn’t forgiven you for using her fine China for target practice.”
“In my defense, she never used them, complained they needed constant dusting, and they exploded really cool when shot.”
Grandpa snorted. “Never said you didn’t do us a favor.”