Page 22 of My Girlfriend is a Werewolf
“Why? You think they’ll rat us out?”
“Maybe. But I’m more concerned about the fact whoever is looking for you put out a reward. Who knows how many folks have seen you? If dumb and dumber can track you down, then I’m worried someone with a little more smarts might, too.”
“Where can we go?”
His eyes danced with mirth as he said, “Wanna meet my grams?”
Chapter 6
Derek didn’t have a car,nor did he want to waste the funds renting one. So he did what he always did when he wanted to visit his grandparents.
“What do you fucking want?” barked his grams.
“Hey, you old bat, you still kicking?” he asked. He sat in a coffee shop a few blocks from his place with a disguised Athena sitting across from him, putting back eggs, bacon, sausage, and toast like she’d not just devoured a full meal just over an hour ago. A duffel bag at his feet held his personal effects. AKA his Xbox and anything with his name on it plus the few items Athena had picked up.
“You ain’t inheriting yet, you mooching bastard,” Grams’ retort.
“Inherit what? Your ugly-ass couch and granny panties?”
“You wish. I’m leaving you the dust bunnies under my bed, you ungrateful turd.”
Derek laughed, even as he saw a listening Athena frowning at him over a forkful of eggs. “Love you too, Grams.”
“Why you calling so early? You finally break a few laws and need us to bail you out of the clink?”
“Alas, I’m still a good boy. However, I do need a place to crash for a few.”
“You in trouble?” Grandma asked.
“Not exactly, but the friend I’m helping is. She’ll be with me.”
A pause. “I don’t like strangers.”
“Are you sure you won’t make an exception for my girlfriend?” he stated, despite it not being exactly true. He could have told Grams the truth—hey, I met this chick who’s really hot and has some bad shits after her. Grandma would have welcomed Athena with open arms, as she loved drama even as she claimed she didn’t.
But saying the G word? That would really put his grams in a tizzy.
“Who the fuck is dumb enough to date you?”
He grinned. “Guess you’ll soon find out.”
“I take it you’re calling for a ride?”
Rather than go on a rant about how he should own a car, she muttered, “Meet Gramps at the usual place in forty-five minutes.”
“Whatever.” Her way of saying I love you.
He hung up, and Athena eyed him over her glass of orange juice. “You weren’t kidding about your grandma.”
“You heard?”
“Kind of hard not to. What was it like growing up being called a bastard?”