Page 15 of My Girlfriend is a Werewolf
“Not really.” She paused before adding, “He has a lab under one of the buildings at the Experimental Farm.
“Like fuck. Seriously?”
She nodded. “It’s where I escaped from.”
“Jeezus fucking Christ. That’s insane.” Also slightly unbelievable. Was she fucking with him?
“I know it sounds crazy, hence why I didn’t want to tell you. Still having a hard time coming to grips with it myself, and yet I was there for almost a month.”
“What happened while they held you captive?”
“Blood tests and other shit. Rogers kept trying to prove I had some weird genetic anomaly, which I don’t.”
“And now you want to find him? To do what?” He wasn’t keen on being an accomplice to murder, especially of someone who would draw media attention. It was one thing when he thought they were dealing with a gang. No one gave a shit if they suddenly disappeared.
“I don’t know. Maybe dig up some dirt to discredit him. Bring to light some of his unethical practices.”
“You want to shut him down.” That he could get behind. “Okay, let’s see what we can find on this doctor.”
Not much as it turned out. Despite the dark web being a bastion of information, there was a suspicious lack when it came to Montgomery Rogers, as if he didn’t exist or someone had wiped his record clean.
“Well, this was a bust,” Athena grumbled when he closed his laptop lid a while later.
“Yeah, it’s weird. For a man that famous, there should have been something. I couldn’t even locate a home address.” Not to mention no connection to the Experimental Farm in downtown Ottawa. Even his business had no office, just a postal box.
“Surveilling the farm will likely be noticed,” she mused aloud as she rose to pace, her legs bare, given his boxers only went mid-thigh.
“Don’t give up. Could be I’m not searching deep enough or he’s mentioned but under an alias. We’ll try again tomorrow. I gotta get to bed.”
“Thank you,” she murmured. “I really appreciate all you’ve done.”
“No problem. You want the bed?”
“Depends. Will you be in it?”
He wanted to say yes. He shook his head. “We both know there wouldn’t be any sleep happening, and I gotta work.”
“Can’t tempt you to play hooky?”
She sure could. At the same time, did he want to mess up his life for someone who would most likely disappear from it in a day or two? “You are tempting, but the bills need to be paid.” He stood from the couch.
“In that case, good night.” She leaned up on tiptoe to brush a kiss on his cheek and murmur, “Dream of me.”
He did. And in the morning woke so hard he jerked off in the shower, a process that took an embarrassing thirty seconds. In the light of day, he couldn’t believe he’d turned her down. He doubted he’d be so strong if she made the offer again.
She greeted him with a warm smile. “Morning, sugarplum.”
“Hey, honey. You sleep okay?”
“Only after I played with myself, seeing as how someone left me hanging.”
Yup, he spit out his coffee.
She laughed. “You’re cute when you blush.”
He did not blush. He did, however, mumble to escape, “I gotta get to work.”
If he’d thought his last shift proved tediously long, this evening was even worse. To the point his supervisor pointed it out. “Not paying you to watch the clock.”